Pool water allergy?

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Former Member
The last few days after swimming my nose often feels like it has allergic reaction from the swims. It's runny and sometimes triggers sneezes, feels just like pollen allergies. Today all day, and I thought please let it not be swine flu :eek:. By now I'm sure it's not swine flu and it's from the swims. Has anyone experienced the same? The pool uses ozone, and a little chlorine.
  • I had the same thing at the pool I used to swim in, which was considerably warmer and more chlorinated than the pool I swim in now. The sneezes, really violent ones, would start the morning after (I swam in the evenings) and last about half a day. If I didn't swim one day, I wouldn't have the runny nose and sneezing the next, which is how I associated it with the pool. I'm 58 and had never had any allergies before. My doctor said that allergies build up over time, and now I think I'm beginning to feel the effects of pollen too. Anyway, I did get some relief at my old pool by using a nasal rinse as soon as I got home. The rinse is just a plastic bottle with some saline solution that you squirt up one nostril until it comes out the other. It flushes out your sinuses. You can buy the apparatus—I think it's called Dr. Neal's Nasal Rinse—at a drugstore. It'll be in the aisle with all the other nasal stuff, but just remember, it's a rinse, not a spray!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    No, that's why it's strange. It's an indoor pool, I've used it for nearly 2 years, and I don't usually have seasonal allergies of any sort :confused: OK, can you contact a priest who is familiar with exorcisms?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    OK, can you contact a priest who is familiar with exorcisms? Unfortunately my priest has been hospitalized and doctors don't allow him to have any contact with other people. :( ...Oh maybe he's the source of my symptoms.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    Cheakamus, thanks for sharing your experience. I'll try your method (although it's not great to have to rinse ones' nose after each swim--one more thing to do in life). Btw, these days it is especially unwelcome to sneeze in public, even if you cover the mouth: everyone becomes alerted.
  • One other thing I should have mentioned—if you do use the nasal rinse, probably better to do it at home (or somewhere private). A little of the rinse water often remains in your sinuses and runs out unexpectedly a few minutes later. (Best to keep a Kleenex handy!) Still, it's a better solution, to my mind, than the next step up, which is Claritin.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    My guess is that it is pollen in or on the water. Is it an outdoor pool and do you normally have any seasonal allergies?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    My guess is that it is pollen in or on the water. Is it an outdoor pool and do you normally have any seasonal allergies? No, that's why it's strange. It's an indoor pool, I've used it for nearly 2 years, and I don't usually have seasonal allergies of any sort :confused:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    My younger brother developed an allergy to chlorine and some allergies are accumulative, meaning that you may not experience them for 2 years, then it finally hits a breaking point and you wont be able to bear it at all. For him, he had to move to a pool (LA Fitness) that uses bromine instead of chlorine. I think bromine can only be used in indoor pools because it breaks down under sun exposure.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    The pool I swim uses mainly ozone, plus some chlorine (as I believe all ozone disinfected pools still uses some chlorine), but the chlorine should be very small amount (no strong smell). Maybe even that is too much for me. I haven't heard ozone could cause allergy (anyone knows?).
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    I first developed a sinus problem at the Y with a history of CL control problems. However, after a period of years, I noticed swimming in the ocean or a very clean fresh water lake triggered the same sinus EXPLOSION...sorry to say it makes me gag. I had to quit swimming. :0( :0( :0( I do have mild allergies to tree pollen, dust mites, etc. But I think I developed vasomotor rhinitis...a sinus explosion caused by environmental stimulus including water/swimming, temperature changes tobacco smoke, etc.] I take claritin and singular...doesn't help this problem a bit. :0( Getting older and fatter...:badday: