Where do you swim (open water, outdoor pool, indoor pool...)

Former Member
Former Member
I suppose most will say indoor pool and few (lucky ones) swim in the ocean all the time, but it would be interesting to see the numbers :) Thanks for taking the poll! Edit: If you swim in lakes, please choose the second option, which is meant to be "Open water--river or lake, pond,... any open water that is not the ocean". "Other" includes bathtubs :D
  • I'm in Maine, so for most of the year the indoor pool is the only option. But in the summer, I'll swim in a local lake, race in the ocean, and workout in our only outdoor (and semi-heated) pool.
  • I'm in Maine, so for most of the year the indoor pool is the only option. But in the summer, I'll swim in a local lake, race in the ocean, and workout in our only outdoor (and semi-heated) pool.
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