racoon eyes

Former Member
Former Member
Maybe someone can help me out - I swim in the morning then rush to work. Practice ends about 30 minutes before I begin work, so "rush" is the operative word. Here's my problem: despite feeling great from the swimming induced endorphin high when I get to work, I look terrible. I still have racoon eyes from my goggles. www.usms.org/.../cane.gifI look a million years old. Anyone know any tricks, creams, or whatever to combat this? I have tried loosening my goggles, and have switched brands, but ulitmately these alternatives resulted in leaky goggles, and hence, pink eyes. Being a high school teacher, looking old is preferable to looking stoned, but still...
  • I also swim in the morning, shower at the pool, then finish hair and make-up in gym locker room at work (gives hair a littler longer to dry before blasting with blow dryer). I have found that Garnier Anti-puff Eye Roller works well, I apply it (along with ear drops and moisterizer) while driving to work.:fish2:
  • I also swim in the morning, shower at the pool, then finish hair and make-up in gym locker room at work (gives hair a littler longer to dry before blasting with blow dryer). I have found that Garnier Anti-puff Eye Roller works well, I apply it (along with ear drops and moisterizer) while driving to work.:fish2:
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