Maybe someone can help me out - I swim in the morning then rush to work. Practice ends about 30 minutes before I begin work, so "rush" is the operative word.
Here's my problem: despite feeling great from the swimming induced endorphin high when I get to work, I look terrible. I still have racoon eyes from my goggles. look a million years old. Anyone know any tricks, creams, or whatever to combat this?
I have tried loosening my goggles, and have switched brands, but ulitmately these alternatives resulted in leaky goggles, and hence, pink eyes. Being a high school teacher, looking old is preferable to looking stoned, but still...
Why hide it... tell 'em what you were up to! If they're not impressed, who cares, but some just might find it cool that their teacher swims/competes!
Our kids need more positive role models! Keep up the good work!
I say invite them to morning workout & see the improved relationship it brings! The only help I found is a mask, but then you trade eyes for a bowl ring! Not a great improvment!!
I also swim in the morning, shower at the pool, then finish hair and make-up in gym locker room at work (gives hair a littler longer to dry before blasting with blow dryer). I have found that Garnier Anti-puff Eye Roller works well, I apply it (along with ear drops and moisterizer) while driving to work.:fish2:
I used to have the same problem, but switched goggles. I use the TYR socket rocket goggles now. They took a bit to get used to, but now I prefer them. They have little padding and are set into the eye socket much more that other goggles that have a lot of padding around the eye piece. I still get some markings on my face around my eyes if I have them on tight, but it's a lot less than I used to get with my old goggles. I'm old enough and don't want my goggles making me look even older!:cane:
Fred (the raccoon in my avatar and who lives in our north woods) says: "Hey! What's wrong with raccoon eyes?"
I seem to recall reading that Joan Collins used to wipe under her eyes with witchhazel to bring down puffiness, but perhaps I am hallucinating that memory.
I go right to work after workout so I started using the Tyr Rocket Sockets in practice but can't dive in with them. They always fall off on me.
If I plan to do any starts I have an extra pair of Women's Vanquisher goggles that I use sparingly since they leave the rings around my eyes.
I had the same problem when I swam before work, only I usually had a cap line to add to the general impression of drowned rat.
I used a tinted moisturizer, which toned things down a bit and made it less obvious.