Not a Fan of Short Course Meters Season

I'm not a big fan of short course meters meets. Maybe its my American bias, but I prefer the USA Swimming season format with two fairly distinct seasons - SCY (Fall thru Spring) and LCM (Spring/Summer). With limited meets to participate in (especially in the Northeast), I would prefer that the options were not even more diluted by short course meters meets. I would think that many Masters swimmers in the US (who mostly grew up in 25 yard pools) would agree. Just wondering what everybody else thinks.
  • Love SCM and glad that we have such a great network of regional meets running that format. Agree 100%. I like having three seasons, in effect. Plus, given my attention span these days, I don't think I could focus and train from September through May without a significant peak event; the fact that the December peak event is in SCM keeps the variety that much higher.
  • Love SCM and glad that we have such a great network of regional meets running that format. Agree 100%. I like having three seasons, in effect. Plus, given my attention span these days, I don't think I could focus and train from September through May without a significant peak event; the fact that the December peak event is in SCM keeps the variety that much higher.
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