Dara Torres-Amazing

Former Member
Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • I stand corrected about how much of the Master's community approaches their training. It seems as though the ideas of high intensity training and core work are well represented on the forums. Paul, you obviously see and know about a large cross-section of Master's habits. It seems there is a lot for us to learn. If not just from Dara, but from many of the prominent posters who advocate for high-intensity work. Which of course, begs the question again: what's the edge? Lots of stretching/massage? Focus and preparation? Or doing everything right, with an obsessive style? Forget masters. Obviously, we can't compete on that level at all. I personally don't care if ever see my college times or not. I tend to focus in my spare time on how I can train and compete as a purely non-professional master with time constraints. But don't other world class USA swimmers spend 4+ hours a day training? Don't other USA athletes know about the benefits of high intensity work and stretching/massage?! I'd be interested to compare the details of other sprinters' training regiments with Torres'. It seems Nystrand only trains 3K a day and must do non-pool training too. (Yes, obviously, he's vastly younger.)
  • I stand corrected about how much of the Master's community approaches their training. It seems as though the ideas of high intensity training and core work are well represented on the forums. Paul, you obviously see and know about a large cross-section of Master's habits. It seems there is a lot for us to learn. If not just from Dara, but from many of the prominent posters who advocate for high-intensity work. Which of course, begs the question again: what's the edge? Lots of stretching/massage? Focus and preparation? Or doing everything right, with an obsessive style? Forget masters. Obviously, we can't compete on that level at all. I personally don't care if ever see my college times or not. I tend to focus in my spare time on how I can train and compete as a purely non-professional master with time constraints. But don't other world class USA swimmers spend 4+ hours a day training? Don't other USA athletes know about the benefits of high intensity work and stretching/massage?! I'd be interested to compare the details of other sprinters' training regiments with Torres'. It seems Nystrand only trains 3K a day and must do non-pool training too. (Yes, obviously, he's vastly younger.)
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