Dara Torres-Amazing

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Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Could you explain how gaining 20 pounds seven years ago would make her a faster swimer today? I don't mean to sounds snarky. It sounds like there's no connection, but I know little about steroids and their effects, so for all I know there is one. I'd like to know what it is. Absolutely nothing. If you go back through the entire thread and/or read other discussions about this one of the things mentioned is the extended layoffs Dara has taken and the impressive (to say the least) transformation of her body each time. Some would argue that in 2000 her association with Quick, his association with Balco and the designer drugs of choice in that era (the cream and the clear) had a profound impact on quick muscle gain and body transformation (look at Barry Bonds)....I challenge anyone on this forum to try and put on that much lean muscle mass in that short of time while maintaining a very high profound of aerobic training (in other words not talking about weight lifters) Todays designer drugs being EPO and HGH you tend to see much leaner athletes than the old school drugs....think Lance Armstrong. Again...no drug tests have been failed by DT and she certainly is pushing the envelope with creative training regimes (Marion Jones never failed one either and also was using very innovative training)...its just hard to fathom seeing an athletic performance that may be the greatest ever seen (a 41 year old 18 months post childbirth swimming her lifetime bests and setting the American record in the process)... This is not some masters swimmer swimming fast...as the newspaper article points out this would be like Clemmons throwing the fastest pitch ever thrown in baseball at 41, or Jordan holding the NBA scoring title, etc. etc. It's never been done before...
  • Could you explain how gaining 20 pounds seven years ago would make her a faster swimer today? I don't mean to sounds snarky. It sounds like there's no connection, but I know little about steroids and their effects, so for all I know there is one. I'd like to know what it is. Absolutely nothing. If you go back through the entire thread and/or read other discussions about this one of the things mentioned is the extended layoffs Dara has taken and the impressive (to say the least) transformation of her body each time. Some would argue that in 2000 her association with Quick, his association with Balco and the designer drugs of choice in that era (the cream and the clear) had a profound impact on quick muscle gain and body transformation (look at Barry Bonds)....I challenge anyone on this forum to try and put on that much lean muscle mass in that short of time while maintaining a very high profound of aerobic training (in other words not talking about weight lifters) Todays designer drugs being EPO and HGH you tend to see much leaner athletes than the old school drugs....think Lance Armstrong. Again...no drug tests have been failed by DT and she certainly is pushing the envelope with creative training regimes (Marion Jones never failed one either and also was using very innovative training)...its just hard to fathom seeing an athletic performance that may be the greatest ever seen (a 41 year old 18 months post childbirth swimming her lifetime bests and setting the American record in the process)... This is not some masters swimmer swimming fast...as the newspaper article points out this would be like Clemmons throwing the fastest pitch ever thrown in baseball at 41, or Jordan holding the NBA scoring title, etc. etc. It's never been done before...
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