Dara Torres-Amazing

Former Member
Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • If you look at a lot of elite swimmers at the national and collegiate level (Mike Bottom, Frank Busch, etc.) you will find that spinning classes have become an accepted cross training mechanism I will say this. A couple years ago I did some spinning. Usually only once per week, but pretty regularly. That season I dropped my 500 time from around 5:10 to close to 5:00. That was the year SC Nats were in Ft. Lauderdale and that was probably my best meet to date, at least short course. I don't know how much the spinning contributed to this. I'm sure I was also in the pool more that season than I had been previously. I do think it's always good to vary things. I know lots of college teams spin. I just wonder if they would still spin if they were only getting in five hours of swimming per week. I doubt it, but who knows?
  • If you look at a lot of elite swimmers at the national and collegiate level (Mike Bottom, Frank Busch, etc.) you will find that spinning classes have become an accepted cross training mechanism I will say this. A couple years ago I did some spinning. Usually only once per week, but pretty regularly. That season I dropped my 500 time from around 5:10 to close to 5:00. That was the year SC Nats were in Ft. Lauderdale and that was probably my best meet to date, at least short course. I don't know how much the spinning contributed to this. I'm sure I was also in the pool more that season than I had been previously. I do think it's always good to vary things. I know lots of college teams spin. I just wonder if they would still spin if they were only getting in five hours of swimming per week. I doubt it, but who knows?
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