Dara Torres-Amazing

Former Member
Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • But at the end of all this, all these 'elite' athletes are are physically gifted human beings. Sometimes I think that our societies values are just a _little_ skewed. Would I love to be able to do what some of these individuals can do? Yes. Then again, I would love to be able to find a cure for cancer, AIDS or one of the other thousand things that folks who aren't elite athletes work on every day. But those folks don't seem to attract our admiration in the way that these athletes do. Which is tragic. So please, at end of the day, try to keep things in perspective. Sorry, I'll put away the soapbox now. Paul
  • But at the end of all this, all these 'elite' athletes are are physically gifted human beings. Sometimes I think that our societies values are just a _little_ skewed. Would I love to be able to do what some of these individuals can do? Yes. Then again, I would love to be able to find a cure for cancer, AIDS or one of the other thousand things that folks who aren't elite athletes work on every day. But those folks don't seem to attract our admiration in the way that these athletes do. Which is tragic. So please, at end of the day, try to keep things in perspective. Sorry, I'll put away the soapbox now. Paul
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