Dara Torres-Amazing

Former Member
Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Hate to break it to all you double shot folks, but a shot of espresso has less caffeine than a cup of coffee, according to a coffee show I watched. However, it doesn't slosh around so much as a big 24 oz cup of coffee so that is a benefit. Jolt makes caffeine gum that if you chew 4 sticks will gig you up pretty good. Top it off with 2X caffeine gel/goo, a sudaphed and an excedrin and you will be ready to go, or you will stroke out. I feel like a really unsophisticated drug user now. :doh:
  • Hate to break it to all you double shot folks, but a shot of espresso has less caffeine than a cup of coffee, according to a coffee show I watched. However, it doesn't slosh around so much as a big 24 oz cup of coffee so that is a benefit. Jolt makes caffeine gum that if you chew 4 sticks will gig you up pretty good. Top it off with 2X caffeine gel/goo, a sudaphed and an excedrin and you will be ready to go, or you will stroke out. I feel like a really unsophisticated drug user now. :doh:
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