Dara Torres-Amazing

Former Member
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Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    "All 3 of my children (14,12,8) swim competitively now. I have taught them that supplements and drugs beyond mere vitamins and protein powder are flat out cheating. I am confident they will not act foolishly in their future swimming career. I can not say that about a growing percentage of young swimmers who begin with lessor items as Creatine in highschool and expand from there in college and beyond." Dear Mr Goodsmith, I find it interesting reading your above quote. I over heard you telling your 14 year old at a meet 12 days ago, "take two sips of coffee before your race." I know that is not cheating, but isn't baby steps toward other enhancing drugs? I recall the reply of your child, "I don't want to. I want to do it on my own." It is remarkable your children can decifer your 'good' and 'evil' advice. Comparing other sports to swimming such as cycling and baseball is ridiculous. One of the may reasons for doping in the tour de france or alleged Barry Bonds doping is the money. There is a lot of money thrown at those athletes to win and break records. What type of compensation does a swimmer get for winning Nationals? Swimmingly yours, Evan 2 SIPS? Ya gotta do better than that. A drug addict that does not make.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    "All 3 of my children (14,12,8) swim competitively now. I have taught them that supplements and drugs beyond mere vitamins and protein powder are flat out cheating. I am confident they will not act foolishly in their future swimming career. I can not say that about a growing percentage of young swimmers who begin with lessor items as Creatine in highschool and expand from there in college and beyond." Dear Mr Goodsmith, I find it interesting reading your above quote. I over heard you telling your 14 year old at a meet 12 days ago, "take two sips of coffee before your race." I know that is not cheating, but isn't baby steps toward other enhancing drugs? I recall the reply of your child, "I don't want to. I want to do it on my own." It is remarkable your children can decifer your 'good' and 'evil' advice. Comparing other sports to swimming such as cycling and baseball is ridiculous. One of the may reasons for doping in the tour de france or alleged Barry Bonds doping is the money. There is a lot of money thrown at those athletes to win and break records. What type of compensation does a swimmer get for winning Nationals? Swimmingly yours, Evan 2 SIPS? Ya gotta do better than that. A drug addict that does not make.
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