Dara Torres-Amazing

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Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • “Jenny Thompson and Dara Torres, openly revealed their planned consumption of potent cocktails of chemicals with the intention of legally enhancing their performances.” Would Gatorade count as a potent cocktail of chemicals? Or do I need to add vodka to make it a cocktail? And who would want to be consuming impotent cocktails? And for some reason most of the cocktails I consume seem to have detrimental performance effects; maybe I need to switch to RedBull and Vodka. So, what Dara appears to have said is that she planned to take legal supplements. How is this cheating? What exactly is in these "potent cocktails of chemicals?" Or in the 75 pills that Lance is taking? I read somewhere, don't remember where, that Dara had taken creatine. Earlier, you said you considered that "cheating," Rob. If supplements and chemical enhancements are legal, it can't technically be cheating. (Although Olympic athletes cannot take creatine, can they?) Does make you wonder though if swimming success might be ever so partially dependent on being wealthy to afford all the cocktails and the entourage ... For some reason, I find that discouraging. Must be naive.
  • “Jenny Thompson and Dara Torres, openly revealed their planned consumption of potent cocktails of chemicals with the intention of legally enhancing their performances.” Would Gatorade count as a potent cocktail of chemicals? Or do I need to add vodka to make it a cocktail? And who would want to be consuming impotent cocktails? And for some reason most of the cocktails I consume seem to have detrimental performance effects; maybe I need to switch to RedBull and Vodka. So, what Dara appears to have said is that she planned to take legal supplements. How is this cheating? What exactly is in these "potent cocktails of chemicals?" Or in the 75 pills that Lance is taking? I read somewhere, don't remember where, that Dara had taken creatine. Earlier, you said you considered that "cheating," Rob. If supplements and chemical enhancements are legal, it can't technically be cheating. (Although Olympic athletes cannot take creatine, can they?) Does make you wonder though if swimming success might be ever so partially dependent on being wealthy to afford all the cocktails and the entourage ... For some reason, I find that discouraging. Must be naive.
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