Dara Torres-Amazing

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Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • New training methods are as follows: 1). Before every practice...Duct tape a 20lb watermelon (or frozen turkey) to your abdomen. Melon is probably more sanitary. 2.) Train hard for nine months. 3.) Remove the swimming anchor during the taper period. 4.) Fly like the wind. www.indystar.com/.../article Ugh. According to that article, she's got shoulder issues. I thought I previously had read that she did and, hence, no fly. But maybe this is why she's says she's taking it "one day at a time." I'd hate to see a shoulder issue cut her down.
  • New training methods are as follows: 1). Before every practice...Duct tape a 20lb watermelon (or frozen turkey) to your abdomen. Melon is probably more sanitary. 2.) Train hard for nine months. 3.) Remove the swimming anchor during the taper period. 4.) Fly like the wind. www.indystar.com/.../article Ugh. According to that article, she's got shoulder issues. I thought I previously had read that she did and, hence, no fly. But maybe this is why she's says she's taking it "one day at a time." I'd hate to see a shoulder issue cut her down.
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