Dara Torres-Amazing

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Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    She might have been reading this thread... www.indystar.com/.../article I especially liked the part where she requested that some of her blood samples be stored until a test for HGH can be performed on them. This certainly doesn't sound like the actions of someone who is doping. I for one think it is very sad that people can judge and convict someone like Darra Torres (in thier own minds) of something even though there is absolutely no physical evidence to support it other than the fact that she is swimming faster than what most poeple would expect from a 40 year old woman who just gave birth not long ago. I've always believed that people are innocent unless proven guilty. Some of these arguments about how impossible it is for someone to accomplish what Darra is accomplishing without doping are really upsetting.....it reminds me of when scientists declared that it was physically impossible for any human to break a 4 minute mile. IMO these arguments are based on nothing more than pure speculation only (and in many cases jealousy) ....what makes these finger pointers such experts on what humans can or can not achieve?? Does this mean that we should also start accusing masters swimmers like Rich Abrahams of doping as well? I mean this guy was performing at the same level as he was in college at the age of 50....and he is still not that far away from where he was in college in his 60's....Does this also mean that everytime a masters swimmer achieves a time that is beyond what is expected (by some pre-prescribed formula perhaps), that we should automatically assume they are also doping?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    She might have been reading this thread... www.indystar.com/.../article I especially liked the part where she requested that some of her blood samples be stored until a test for HGH can be performed on them. This certainly doesn't sound like the actions of someone who is doping. I for one think it is very sad that people can judge and convict someone like Darra Torres (in thier own minds) of something even though there is absolutely no physical evidence to support it other than the fact that she is swimming faster than what most poeple would expect from a 40 year old woman who just gave birth not long ago. I've always believed that people are innocent unless proven guilty. Some of these arguments about how impossible it is for someone to accomplish what Darra is accomplishing without doping are really upsetting.....it reminds me of when scientists declared that it was physically impossible for any human to break a 4 minute mile. IMO these arguments are based on nothing more than pure speculation only (and in many cases jealousy) ....what makes these finger pointers such experts on what humans can or can not achieve?? Does this mean that we should also start accusing masters swimmers like Rich Abrahams of doping as well? I mean this guy was performing at the same level as he was in college at the age of 50....and he is still not that far away from where he was in college in his 60's....Does this also mean that everytime a masters swimmer achieves a time that is beyond what is expected (by some pre-prescribed formula perhaps), that we should automatically assume they are also doping?
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