Dara Torres-Amazing

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Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    I'm inclined to agree with the enigmatic whitebuffalo; although I agree with many other posters here too: I would like to believe Dara is clean, although I think her performance suggests otherwise. The distinction between the 100 and 50 is a good one. To rip off a fast 50 due to strength training and excellent technique is one thing; to stay ahead of the rest of the field on the last 25m of a 100 is another. One thing I'm curious about is how her training has changed over the years. Does anyone know what type of training she was doing 10-20 years ago? Was she a yardage hog? Has she recently subscribed to the "new school" of sprint training thought, exemplified by The Race Club type training philosophy? Just wondering. Even if this was true I'd have trouble believing that performance was clean, although I think its not completely impossible.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    I'm inclined to agree with the enigmatic whitebuffalo; although I agree with many other posters here too: I would like to believe Dara is clean, although I think her performance suggests otherwise. The distinction between the 100 and 50 is a good one. To rip off a fast 50 due to strength training and excellent technique is one thing; to stay ahead of the rest of the field on the last 25m of a 100 is another. One thing I'm curious about is how her training has changed over the years. Does anyone know what type of training she was doing 10-20 years ago? Was she a yardage hog? Has she recently subscribed to the "new school" of sprint training thought, exemplified by The Race Club type training philosophy? Just wondering. Even if this was true I'd have trouble believing that performance was clean, although I think its not completely impossible.
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