Dara Torres-Amazing

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Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Ok, I'm late to the discussion here, but this Scott guy brings up the "Less is More" strategy that Dara is using. Hasn't Natalie Coughlin been using that strategy for a while now? If I'm correct on that point, then perhaps it's possible to use multi-discipline training methods (yoga, weights, etc) and still achieve exceptional results. No one is accusing Natalie of dopping! Why do we have to train in the water like crazy people? No one has ever accused me of being an elite athelete (really, it's true!), but as a masters swimmer I'm swimming some of the fastest times of my life in many events. Aside from asthma medicie, flax seed oil, & a multi-vitimin, I'm clean, even avoiding caffine on most days. If the premise we're working from is one has to be dopping to improve performance after age 30, then how can my steadily improving performances in my middle thirties, after a 15 year hiatus, be explained? Maybe Dara is just exceptional. Maybe no one her age has made a real good-faith effort to do what she's trying to do, which is why she has no peer group for comparison. (Ok, Susan VDL made trials cuts, but is she really training to make the team, or just to show people that it can be done?) And to be fair, maybe she's dopping. I, for one, would like to believe she's not.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Ok, I'm late to the discussion here, but this Scott guy brings up the "Less is More" strategy that Dara is using. Hasn't Natalie Coughlin been using that strategy for a while now? If I'm correct on that point, then perhaps it's possible to use multi-discipline training methods (yoga, weights, etc) and still achieve exceptional results. No one is accusing Natalie of dopping! Why do we have to train in the water like crazy people? No one has ever accused me of being an elite athelete (really, it's true!), but as a masters swimmer I'm swimming some of the fastest times of my life in many events. Aside from asthma medicie, flax seed oil, & a multi-vitimin, I'm clean, even avoiding caffine on most days. If the premise we're working from is one has to be dopping to improve performance after age 30, then how can my steadily improving performances in my middle thirties, after a 15 year hiatus, be explained? Maybe Dara is just exceptional. Maybe no one her age has made a real good-faith effort to do what she's trying to do, which is why she has no peer group for comparison. (Ok, Susan VDL made trials cuts, but is she really training to make the team, or just to show people that it can be done?) And to be fair, maybe she's dopping. I, for one, would like to believe she's not.
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