Dara Torres-Amazing

Former Member
Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Is it the cynicism or the standing up for myself part? Or the fast walking? The entertainment in arguing? The obvious rhetorical brilliance? The fact that I get better insults from the eighty-year-olds on the subway? God, I am so confused. I'm all for agreeing to disagree and was trying to get away from personal attacks and go back to the basis of the thread. If you think I'm going to sit by and get attacked you have another thing coming. I am entitled to think what I want to think that in no way gives you the right to insult me for being optimistic. I was not the only one that asked how many Olympic medals do you have - which I intended to speak more to the fact that Dara has 9 of them - rather than to start a let's compare times thread. I question people that all of a sudden pull of amazing times more than those that have always had tons of talent and swum fast. I believe in innocent until proven guilty especially in instances like these. I do not think that she is doping for plenty of reasons, and even if I had no real thoughts to back it up who cares. I get think what I want. PS - it's the cynicism. I walk fast.
  • Is it the cynicism or the standing up for myself part? Or the fast walking? The entertainment in arguing? The obvious rhetorical brilliance? The fact that I get better insults from the eighty-year-olds on the subway? God, I am so confused. I'm all for agreeing to disagree and was trying to get away from personal attacks and go back to the basis of the thread. If you think I'm going to sit by and get attacked you have another thing coming. I am entitled to think what I want to think that in no way gives you the right to insult me for being optimistic. I was not the only one that asked how many Olympic medals do you have - which I intended to speak more to the fact that Dara has 9 of them - rather than to start a let's compare times thread. I question people that all of a sudden pull of amazing times more than those that have always had tons of talent and swum fast. I believe in innocent until proven guilty especially in instances like these. I do not think that she is doping for plenty of reasons, and even if I had no real thoughts to back it up who cares. I get think what I want. PS - it's the cynicism. I walk fast.
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