Dara Torres-Amazing

Former Member
Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • I think we've all been burned too many times on this type of scenario. Thus far, in this thread, no one has yet to name a single athlete that has done or is doing what she is either doing or may be about to do, not a single one. Maybe she is the 1 out of 4 billion or so who can do it and be the first ever and more power to her. John Elway might be an example, although he never retired. Dale Ernhardt might be an example, although he died trying to keep up with the young ones (sorry, I live in Charlotte, have to throw in some Nascar). Maybe a case could be made for Muhammed Ali and George Forman, if you choose to put faith in boxing. Roger Clemens is a potential example, he's pretty awesome. But, the fact remains, there are carcasses of 40 something former elites all over the place (Barkley, Jordan, Randy Johnson, Spitz, Stud). As she continues her incredible odyssey in the next year, don't come back all disenchanted when she says she uses "alternative, ground breaking training methods." That's your code word should you hear it. As to little punk Stud, if I can figure out how to ride my new TRI BIKE (there you go Smiths), I'm gonna find him and run him over - shouldn't be hard given his average speed of movement.
  • I think we've all been burned too many times on this type of scenario. Thus far, in this thread, no one has yet to name a single athlete that has done or is doing what she is either doing or may be about to do, not a single one. Maybe she is the 1 out of 4 billion or so who can do it and be the first ever and more power to her. John Elway might be an example, although he never retired. Dale Ernhardt might be an example, although he died trying to keep up with the young ones (sorry, I live in Charlotte, have to throw in some Nascar). Maybe a case could be made for Muhammed Ali and George Forman, if you choose to put faith in boxing. Roger Clemens is a potential example, he's pretty awesome. But, the fact remains, there are carcasses of 40 something former elites all over the place (Barkley, Jordan, Randy Johnson, Spitz, Stud). As she continues her incredible odyssey in the next year, don't come back all disenchanted when she says she uses "alternative, ground breaking training methods." That's your code word should you hear it. As to little punk Stud, if I can figure out how to ride my new TRI BIKE (there you go Smiths), I'm gonna find him and run him over - shouldn't be hard given his average speed of movement.
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