Dara Torres-Amazing

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Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    SCYfreestyler, No one has ever done this in swimming. She is the first. If you don't like the Rich Saeger comparison.... then consider the Susan Vonder Lippe (Rapp) comparison. She's a multilple olympic team member as well. John Smith John, it's not that I don't like the comparison with Rich per se. The problem is that your sample pool is too small to yield results that are worthy of consideration. A few elite swimmers are not a representative sample of human abilities in general. Consider how many people might be out there right now with the physiological makeup to dominate swimming even moreso than our current crop of heroes. I would argue that looking only at swimmers is the easy comparison to make but it's not scientific by any stretch of the imagination. As for firsts, is Phelps not the first to be as dominant as he is? Sure Spitz had his run at the Olympics but I don't think that really compares to what Phelps has done...especially looking at his Worlds performances this year. Looking at his backstroke this week at nationals it is not outside of reason to suspect that he might be holding the WR for that event sometimes soon as well. It's almost superhuman, no? I wonder what he is taking? Not trying to be a jerk here John ( I leave that to Geek and Stud), I am just trying to convey a point. If somebody can provide some solid evidence as to why Dara's comeback is not humanly possible I will be glad to listen. Matt
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    SCYfreestyler, No one has ever done this in swimming. She is the first. If you don't like the Rich Saeger comparison.... then consider the Susan Vonder Lippe (Rapp) comparison. She's a multilple olympic team member as well. John Smith John, it's not that I don't like the comparison with Rich per se. The problem is that your sample pool is too small to yield results that are worthy of consideration. A few elite swimmers are not a representative sample of human abilities in general. Consider how many people might be out there right now with the physiological makeup to dominate swimming even moreso than our current crop of heroes. I would argue that looking only at swimmers is the easy comparison to make but it's not scientific by any stretch of the imagination. As for firsts, is Phelps not the first to be as dominant as he is? Sure Spitz had his run at the Olympics but I don't think that really compares to what Phelps has done...especially looking at his Worlds performances this year. Looking at his backstroke this week at nationals it is not outside of reason to suspect that he might be holding the WR for that event sometimes soon as well. It's almost superhuman, no? I wonder what he is taking? Not trying to be a jerk here John ( I leave that to Geek and Stud), I am just trying to convey a point. If somebody can provide some solid evidence as to why Dara's comeback is not humanly possible I will be glad to listen. Matt
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