Dara Torres-Amazing

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Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • I never claimed relay medals and individual medals were the same, but you seemed to knock her for "only" having won relay golds. I think making the Olympic team is a huge accomplishment and I'd take a relay medal of any color. Relay medals to me show the depth of the country and take four (to eight) people to win - no one can really slack. My point is that you can't achieve wunderkind status on relay medals. So I find the "she was so awesome, of course she can stay awesome" argument poor. I feel like I was personally attacked first and certainly more viciously. Because I questioned her medals, you got all "how many medals do you have?" I just used your own logic against you. If you don't like it, don't do it to other people. I think we should ALL drop the personal attacks. This is all opinion based afterall. No one should be told they are an idiot for believing what they want. What if I believe that thinking she is not doping makes someone an idiot? (Hypothetically, I mean.)
  • I never claimed relay medals and individual medals were the same, but you seemed to knock her for "only" having won relay golds. I think making the Olympic team is a huge accomplishment and I'd take a relay medal of any color. Relay medals to me show the depth of the country and take four (to eight) people to win - no one can really slack. My point is that you can't achieve wunderkind status on relay medals. So I find the "she was so awesome, of course she can stay awesome" argument poor. I feel like I was personally attacked first and certainly more viciously. Because I questioned her medals, you got all "how many medals do you have?" I just used your own logic against you. If you don't like it, don't do it to other people. I think we should ALL drop the personal attacks. This is all opinion based afterall. No one should be told they are an idiot for believing what they want. What if I believe that thinking she is not doping makes someone an idiot? (Hypothetically, I mean.)
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