Dara Torres-Amazing

Former Member
Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    I think that one needs to really break down what is being discussed here. If we are talking about strength and flexibility/mobility then I have no doubt that she can regain equal levels of these abilities at 40, especially considering the fact that she has maintained a high level of fitness and not had a real break per se. As for cardiovascular capacity, I don't really know for sure. Can somebody provide specific information as to why a 40 year olds cardiovascular system will not permit them (naturally) to swim the times that Dara is swimming? Technique is something that can obviously be learned and improved at any age so that is a non-issue. Regarding drugs...is the concern that she used drugs to enhance her strength as she began her comeback? Does a 40 year old really need drugs to develop the strength she has? My guess would be no. My cardiovascular rating was very high when I had it tested a few years back. I had the lungs of a 16 year old. I was in my mid 20's..admittedly still young but the capacity was above average. My grandfather also had a very good cardiovasuclar system, he was so good at PT in the army in WWII they wanted him to say on and become and instructor. Even in later life his readings were very good--until emphysema set in during the later years. He always looked young for his age and was in great shape. I just mention this as there are factors that can break the age barrier. I like to leave the door open for the possibity of this being on the up and up. Regardless of logical assupmtions and statistics.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    I think that one needs to really break down what is being discussed here. If we are talking about strength and flexibility/mobility then I have no doubt that she can regain equal levels of these abilities at 40, especially considering the fact that she has maintained a high level of fitness and not had a real break per se. As for cardiovascular capacity, I don't really know for sure. Can somebody provide specific information as to why a 40 year olds cardiovascular system will not permit them (naturally) to swim the times that Dara is swimming? Technique is something that can obviously be learned and improved at any age so that is a non-issue. Regarding drugs...is the concern that she used drugs to enhance her strength as she began her comeback? Does a 40 year old really need drugs to develop the strength she has? My guess would be no. My cardiovascular rating was very high when I had it tested a few years back. I had the lungs of a 16 year old. I was in my mid 20's..admittedly still young but the capacity was above average. My grandfather also had a very good cardiovasuclar system, he was so good at PT in the army in WWII they wanted him to say on and become and instructor. Even in later life his readings were very good--until emphysema set in during the later years. He always looked young for his age and was in great shape. I just mention this as there are factors that can break the age barrier. I like to leave the door open for the possibity of this being on the up and up. Regardless of logical assupmtions and statistics.
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