Dara Torres-Amazing

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Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Paul Evil Smith has stated that until Dara has failed a drug test that its pointless to speculate. I don't ever recall saying that...I've had serious doubts (and expressed them) about a number of swimmers (USS & Masters) but have personally never witnessed anyone cheating. Interesting that today while I was coaching an Olympic teammate of Dara's was at practice who also happens to be good friends with Jenny & Amy. Her position was also one of skepticism mainly because she saw all 3 of these girls go thru sever physical transformation over a short period of time leading up to Trails.....coincidentally they all seemed to do so while "out of competition" and most likely not being tested...however once again not first hand knowledge. John.....glad to see you have finished moving, finished a good git of remodeling and found time to come back and fan the flames here....God forbid you might actually be getting back in the pool as well?
  • Paul Evil Smith has stated that until Dara has failed a drug test that its pointless to speculate. I don't ever recall saying that...I've had serious doubts (and expressed them) about a number of swimmers (USS & Masters) but have personally never witnessed anyone cheating. Interesting that today while I was coaching an Olympic teammate of Dara's was at practice who also happens to be good friends with Jenny & Amy. Her position was also one of skepticism mainly because she saw all 3 of these girls go thru sever physical transformation over a short period of time leading up to Trails.....coincidentally they all seemed to do so while "out of competition" and most likely not being tested...however once again not first hand knowledge. John.....glad to see you have finished moving, finished a good git of remodeling and found time to come back and fan the flames here....God forbid you might actually be getting back in the pool as well?
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