Dara Torres-Amazing

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Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • So, apparently you aren't really curious at all. To me, Spitz has a more impressive swimming resume and that leads me to believe he is or was or whatever more talented, in case you are curious. Debating who was better in different sports eras is one of the best things about sports, and sports bars, and beer. Woods/Nicklaus, Wilt/Russell, etc. It's like arguing with a brick wall ... I am not taking away from Spitz's achievements at all. Making an Olympic team is unbelievable, medaling is amazing, getting 7 golds in one Olympics is superhuman. What I am trying to say is comparing Spitz's attempt at a comeback with Dara's is stupid. He may have won more medals in a single Olympics than Dara, but Dara has 9 medals. That's right, just as many as Spitz! Spitz won more in a single Olympics Dara qualified for four teams, and likely will qualify for a 5th. I would argue that had she kept going she'd be going for her 7th. You can compare their careers all you want, but not their comebacks. Spitz's times were right around the times he went 20! years previously and Dara's are around the times she went 7 years ago. Her's are still good enough to qualify her, his were not. She stayed in phenomenal shape for all her years off - Spitz not so much.
  • So, apparently you aren't really curious at all. To me, Spitz has a more impressive swimming resume and that leads me to believe he is or was or whatever more talented, in case you are curious. Debating who was better in different sports eras is one of the best things about sports, and sports bars, and beer. Woods/Nicklaus, Wilt/Russell, etc. It's like arguing with a brick wall ... I am not taking away from Spitz's achievements at all. Making an Olympic team is unbelievable, medaling is amazing, getting 7 golds in one Olympics is superhuman. What I am trying to say is comparing Spitz's attempt at a comeback with Dara's is stupid. He may have won more medals in a single Olympics than Dara, but Dara has 9 medals. That's right, just as many as Spitz! Spitz won more in a single Olympics Dara qualified for four teams, and likely will qualify for a 5th. I would argue that had she kept going she'd be going for her 7th. You can compare their careers all you want, but not their comebacks. Spitz's times were right around the times he went 20! years previously and Dara's are around the times she went 7 years ago. Her's are still good enough to qualify her, his were not. She stayed in phenomenal shape for all her years off - Spitz not so much.
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