Dara Torres-Amazing

Former Member
Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Skip, For practical purposes, my 54.3 is the same time as Dara's 54.4. Note, I was 51.1 back in 1984. That's a 3.2 second spread, and it almost killed me last summer. It was a really ugly swim. My yards times are similar for my age .... 43.9 in college and 47 low in my 40s. I'm not sure I understand your point. Don't you find it interesting that Susan Von Der Lippe (i.e Rapp) a multiple Olympic team member *** in individual events *** is currently not able to final or place in the top 3 at US nationals let alone win. Susan's talent and efforts are startling for her age (i.e. 1:12 100m *** made cuts for trials) ...... but she does not beat the best men her age in the same event. There is a significant comparative leap that Dara has made with these swims in my opinion. John Smith So you are saying that it is not physically possible (unless using drug aids) to swim as fast at 40 as you did in your 20's? Where is it written? All I know is that there is more evidence to support her being clean that there is to support her being dirty.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Skip, For practical purposes, my 54.3 is the same time as Dara's 54.4. Note, I was 51.1 back in 1984. That's a 3.2 second spread, and it almost killed me last summer. It was a really ugly swim. My yards times are similar for my age .... 43.9 in college and 47 low in my 40s. I'm not sure I understand your point. Don't you find it interesting that Susan Von Der Lippe (i.e Rapp) a multiple Olympic team member *** in individual events *** is currently not able to final or place in the top 3 at US nationals let alone win. Susan's talent and efforts are startling for her age (i.e. 1:12 100m *** made cuts for trials) ...... but she does not beat the best men her age in the same event. There is a significant comparative leap that Dara has made with these swims in my opinion. John Smith So you are saying that it is not physically possible (unless using drug aids) to swim as fast at 40 as you did in your 20's? Where is it written? All I know is that there is more evidence to support her being clean that there is to support her being dirty.
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