Dara Torres-Amazing

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Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Geez, when did we become so cynical? When did hard work, natural talent, great coaching and a passion for excellence get replaced by she must be cheating; as the explanation for performance? So far the only evidence of cheating has been that she is swimming fast. Not that she has added muscle mass or any other indications of chemical cheating. Look at her swim from last night and compare it to her swim 8 years ago. You will notice that she has improved her technique and has taken advantage of current swim suit technology. And as for the suggestion that athletes continue to be available for testing after retirement, I’m not sure if you know what is involved with out of competition testing, but the USADA is already overwhelmed. They have a tough enough time with testing at competitions. Out of competition testing is costly, random and in my opinion not very effective. Spending hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars to randomly test retired athletes seems like a fruitless effort. The probability of testing a retired athlete who will return to competition is very slight. And while we are pointing out possibilities, it is possible that Dara is an alien sent to earth to take over the swimming world. No; wait, this would belong in the horror movie thread. Occam's razor - All things being equal, the simplest solution tends to be the best one. Talent and hard work pay off.
  • Geez, when did we become so cynical? When did hard work, natural talent, great coaching and a passion for excellence get replaced by she must be cheating; as the explanation for performance? So far the only evidence of cheating has been that she is swimming fast. Not that she has added muscle mass or any other indications of chemical cheating. Look at her swim from last night and compare it to her swim 8 years ago. You will notice that she has improved her technique and has taken advantage of current swim suit technology. And as for the suggestion that athletes continue to be available for testing after retirement, I’m not sure if you know what is involved with out of competition testing, but the USADA is already overwhelmed. They have a tough enough time with testing at competitions. Out of competition testing is costly, random and in my opinion not very effective. Spending hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars to randomly test retired athletes seems like a fruitless effort. The probability of testing a retired athlete who will return to competition is very slight. And while we are pointing out possibilities, it is possible that Dara is an alien sent to earth to take over the swimming world. No; wait, this would belong in the horror movie thread. Occam's razor - All things being equal, the simplest solution tends to be the best one. Talent and hard work pay off.
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