Dara Torres-Amazing

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Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Call me charming, stupid, or naive but I really don't think she is doping. These allegations come out every time she makes a comeback, remember this is her second. Why is it so hard to believe that she could be doing this without doping? I have heard for forever that she is one of the most naturally talented swimmers of all time and has the best technique. As a girl that puts on muscle very easily I understand the change in appearance. Rachel Komisarz also gets accused from time to time for doping. She’s ripped but she also is into body building. I’ll defend them both until I see actual evidence to the contrary. People are so cynical and quick to judge – she’s been insanely fast and talented since she was a kid. She’s been able to maintain her speed, which by the way I think we established as easier to hold onto than endurance. I know we previously discussed how masters swimmers seem to be able to be more competitive in sprints rather than distance events – age, time to train, physical changes – whatever. Rock on Dara! I hope she wins the 50 free too and wins both events at trials. She is amazing. Instead of the criticism why don’t we all congratulate her.
  • Call me charming, stupid, or naive but I really don't think she is doping. These allegations come out every time she makes a comeback, remember this is her second. Why is it so hard to believe that she could be doing this without doping? I have heard for forever that she is one of the most naturally talented swimmers of all time and has the best technique. As a girl that puts on muscle very easily I understand the change in appearance. Rachel Komisarz also gets accused from time to time for doping. She’s ripped but she also is into body building. I’ll defend them both until I see actual evidence to the contrary. People are so cynical and quick to judge – she’s been insanely fast and talented since she was a kid. She’s been able to maintain her speed, which by the way I think we established as easier to hold onto than endurance. I know we previously discussed how masters swimmers seem to be able to be more competitive in sprints rather than distance events – age, time to train, physical changes – whatever. Rock on Dara! I hope she wins the 50 free too and wins both events at trials. She is amazing. Instead of the criticism why don’t we all congratulate her.
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