life time best times and best times in each age group

Hi usms swim friends, I'm working on a new swim faster faster article and I wanted to gather a little data first here's my questions: In your 2 or 3 best events what are your lifetime best times? how old were you when you swam them? what year was that? what are your best times in those events for each masters age group you've been in? here's an example of what I'm looking for Ande Rasmussen 50 scy free 1985 22 20.4 (25 - 29) 1991 28 20.5 (30 - 34) 1995 33 20.9 (35 - 39) can't find a time (40 - 44) 2004 40 22.44 thanks in advance to for participating in this I look forward to reading your replies Ande PS feel free to email them to me if you don't want to post them here
  • Jeff is an oddity, but the thing is, he's incredible at breastroke and pretty good at back stroke ie he went 53.7 in the 100 *** and 50.8 in the 100 back though he cleans up the back sprint events in masters tracey caulkins swam every stroke well, katie swims every stroke well too, give her a very well rounded IM michael phelps has a very good breastroke but it's his weakest when you compare it to his other 3 my breastroke is tolerable in a college quadrathlon in '85 i did a 50 *** in 27.6 I'd be hard pressed to do one under 30 now i think my best *** split in the 200 IM was a 32.5, 34.6 as a master I tend to do better when I do some kicking and a lot of technique work it's rare to find swimmers who are great at both *** and back ande No. It's going to take more than a couple examples to convince me that the back-*** super combo is not an anomoly. Even Jeff describes it as an "oddity." I'm sure you have more examples in that encyclopediac brain. :bow: I guess there's Tracey Caulkins off the top of my head. And I'm sure there are some elite IMers that are proficient at both like Katie Hoff. But, apart from the super elite, on this forum and in my own more limited swimming experience and observations, back and breaststroke just typically don't go together. (I know the Raz can do quadrathlons.) That's one reason we have a lot of breaststroke haters and backstroke haters on the forum. (Sorry, Allen, I know you don't like that "hate" word. I use it loosely.)
  • Jeff is an oddity, but the thing is, he's incredible at breastroke and pretty good at back stroke ie he went 53.7 in the 100 *** and 50.8 in the 100 back though he cleans up the back sprint events in masters tracey caulkins swam every stroke well, katie swims every stroke well too, give her a very well rounded IM michael phelps has a very good breastroke but it's his weakest when you compare it to his other 3 my breastroke is tolerable in a college quadrathlon in '85 i did a 50 *** in 27.6 I'd be hard pressed to do one under 30 now i think my best *** split in the 200 IM was a 32.5, 34.6 as a master I tend to do better when I do some kicking and a lot of technique work it's rare to find swimmers who are great at both *** and back ande No. It's going to take more than a couple examples to convince me that the back-*** super combo is not an anomoly. Even Jeff describes it as an "oddity." I'm sure you have more examples in that encyclopediac brain. :bow: I guess there's Tracey Caulkins off the top of my head. And I'm sure there are some elite IMers that are proficient at both like Katie Hoff. But, apart from the super elite, on this forum and in my own more limited swimming experience and observations, back and breaststroke just typically don't go together. (I know the Raz can do quadrathlons.) That's one reason we have a lot of breaststroke haters and backstroke haters on the forum. (Sorry, Allen, I know you don't like that "hate" word. I use it loosely.)
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