life time best times and best times in each age group

Hi usms swim friends, I'm working on a new swim faster faster article and I wanted to gather a little data first here's my questions: In your 2 or 3 best events what are your lifetime best times? how old were you when you swam them? what year was that? what are your best times in those events for each masters age group you've been in? here's an example of what I'm looking for Ande Rasmussen 50 scy free 1985 22 20.4 (25 - 29) 1991 28 20.5 (30 - 34) 1995 33 20.9 (35 - 39) can't find a time (40 - 44) 2004 40 22.44 thanks in advance to for participating in this I look forward to reading your replies Ande PS feel free to email them to me if you don't want to post them here
  • My back-log is short because of my age, but here are two. All swims performed at that year's SCY Nationals. And according to my PivotTables (see below), I can't get anywhere close to these top times w/o the meet being Natioinals :wiggle: SCY 500 free 19-24 - 2005, age 24, 5:01.81 ** PB 25-29 - 2006, age 25, 5:03.68 SCY 100 fly 19-24 - 2004, age 23, 56.67 25-29 - 2006, age 25, 56.13 ** PB Ande, this fall I actually started a swim time database in Excel and went a little crazy with PivotTables so I can look things up by course, age, championship meet, etc... Quite handy for this thread!
  • I don't have a back log because I didn't start swimming until 7 years ago. My first meet was 5 years ago as a 50 y.o. Everything is SCY and 50-54 age group 2005 (53) 50 free 26.81 100 free 59.23 50 back 32.87 2006 (54) 200 free 2:17.03 500 free 6:22.70 50 fly 30.31
  • what are your lifetime best times? how old were you when you swam them? what year was that? edited
  • Swam in 70's then started back 3 years ago and 40 pounds heavier: 50 Free 1979(18) - 25.9 2005(42) - 31.57 2007(44) - 30.80 100 Free 1979(18) - 56.9 2005(42) - 1:11.54 2007(44) - 1:08.96 500 Free 1978(17) - 6:38.7 2005(42) - 7:02.89 2007(44) - 6:42.42 fully expect to surpass this one soon. 1650 Free 1978(17) - 25:29.2 2006(43) - 24:02.09 finally learned how to pace as an adult. Kid strategy - was go out fast (in a :28 for the first 50) and die. Donna
  • 50 free SCY 1985 17 years old 26.7 2002 34 years old 26.71 2005 37 years old 26.05 100 free SCY 1985 17 years old 59.2 2002 34 years old 57.49 2005 37 years old 56.42 200 free SCY 1985 17 years old 2:09 2002 34 years old 2:07.54 2005 37 years old 2:04.89
  • Best events 1000 and 1650 Lifetime bests: 1000 10:55.? age 21, 1996 1650 18.25.92, age 29, 2005 (SCY Nat.) Masters Age Group Bests: 19-24, 1000 10:55.?, 1650 18:30.? (Both swum in college, not masters) 25-29, 1000 11:05.75, 1650 18:25.92 30-31, 1000 11:03.06, 1650 18:30.28 As a Masters swimmer, I've always had to swim the two events on the same day since the only meet I ever go to is Nationals. It would be nice to spread them out one of these days. For 2007 Nationals, I'll have to pick one or the other since we're not allowed to swim both. I can't decide which one to do.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Arg. Note that I've only been in 1 masters age group thus far - (30-34). 100 IM SCY 1:02.6 14 yrs old (1986) 1:03.81 34 yrs old (2007) 50 Fly SCY 27.0 15-18 age group 27.28 33 yrs old (2006) 50 FR SCY 25.0 15-18 age group 25.3 34 yrs old (2007) 100 Fly SCY 58.6 15 yrs old (1988) 1:00.3 33 yrs old (2006) 500 FR SCY 5:25.0 18 yrs old 5:23.35 33 yrs old (2006) 50 BR SCY 32.0 14 yrs old 33.6 34 yrs old (2007) 200 IM 2:11.0 18 yrs old 2:18.58 33 yrs old (2006) - way off I know :rofl: One interesting thing is that I've never tapered for a masters meet. At most, I've taken a day off before a meet. I'm going to try tapering in August for LC Nationals. (I hate tapering as I go bonkers w/ too much energy and I like swimming for fitness and hate to miss practices which I find to be as fun as meets). This is pretty neat seeing where everyone is and was. Looks like we're close to our best times even 10, 20 and more years out!! Cool!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Here is a listing for 30+ years in masters, 7 age groups. 50 free Lifetime best 21.4 (hand held, 1965 NCAA's 2d place) 30-34 22.21 age 31 35-39 22.17 age 35 40-44 22.14 age 40 45-49 21.78 age 48 50-54 21.73 age 53 55-59 21,82 age 55 60-64 22.30 age 60 (slowing down)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    LCM 50 free (sorry no yards) 1961 at 20: 24.9 (no hundredths then) eased into masters starting 1997: 2000 at 59 (55-59): 28.39 2002 at 61 (60-64): 27.80 2006 at 65 (65-69): 27.95 SCM 50 free (sorry no SCM at 20) 1997 at 56 (55-59): 28.13 2005 at 64 (60-64): 27.04 2006 at 65 (65-69): 27.36 Hope this helps Ian.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    50 free Lifetime best 21.4 (hand held, 1965 NCAA's 2d place) 30-34 22.21 age 31 35-39 22.17 age 35 40-44 22.14 age 40 45-49 21.78 age 48 50-54 21.73 age 53 55-59 21,82 age 55 60-64 22.30 age 60 (slowing down) __________________ rich abrahams posted by Rich Abrahams I can see what you mean there rich about slowing down.....maybe if you worked out a little harder from now on you wouldn't suffer from any of these massive slowing down periods again...LOL!!! As for some of my past times (All in SCY): 100 fly: As an 18 year old (in 1983) I went 51.8 As a 22 year old (in 1987) I went 50.3 As a 40 year old (in 2004 at SCY Nats) I went 56.4 200 fly: As an 18 year old I went around 1:55 or so As a 22 year old I went 1:51.4 As a 40 year old I went 2:06.7 200 IM: As an 18 year old I went 1:56 something? As a 22 year old I went 1:53.8 As a 40 year old I went 2:10 something? 200 free: As an 18 year old I went 1:42.6 As a 22 year old I went 1:40 something? As a 41 year old (at some USA meet in October of 2005 and torn down as heck), I went 1:58 something? 100 free: As an 18 year old I went 47.2 As a 22 year old I went 45.8 As a 41 year old (once again torn down as heck), I went 54.2 (ouch!!) 50 free: As an 18 year old I went 22 low As a 22 year old I went 21 low As a 40 year old (at a meet in Kentucky about 5 weeks before SCY Nats in 2004) I went 24.7 (once again..ouch!!) Well at leat I didn't slow down as much as rich abrahams did over the years...LOL!! Newmastersswimmer