"What do YOU need to do to have a major swimming breakthrough?"

What do YOU need to do to have a major swimming breakthrough?" I started this thread over in the work outs section which I think doesn't get as much traffic as the general discussion board so here's the link forums.usms.org/showthread.php but my point is, No matter what, the time between right now and your focus meet is going to pass, and the things you do to prepare for your meet is of the UTMOST importance. the choices you make the chances you take swim hard in practice rehearse racing I want to read your story about your breakthrough. Decide it starts today that this season will be your best season EVER What do you need to do to make this true? Ande
  • I'm hoping putting this "on paper" for God and everyone to see will make me actually follow through! My big plans are to: 1) get stronger stronger stronger. I have a Bowflex, and I know how to use it! Now I just need to do it! :weightlifter: 2) actually go to meets this year, especially LCNat's in Auburn, which is around the corner. Couldn't make it to Atlanta last Spring cause of my new job, but no excuses this year! 3) Have 4 out of 5 workouts be awesome ones! :bouncing: 4) Increase my daily yardarge to a minimum of 5000, and more on weekends!! (and I'm keeping a log of this) :bliss:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 14 years ago
    By next summer I want to get below 1 min on my 100yd free. Other people do it so why shouldn't I? I think its a big psychological barrier like breaking the 1.10 on 100m free back when I was 17. So if I do this it will be the fastest I have ever swum. There - I said it, now I have to do it.....and I STILL need to lose that last 10lbs. Just FTR I do still aim to improve my 100 fly and am hoping that my 200 and 400/500 free will also improve as I'm more a mid-distance girl, but heck Rebecca Adlington can do 10 x a sub-minute 100 free in a row!
  • Well, I had a minor swimming breakthrough (but major to me :D), when I made NQT in the 50yd breaststroke (exactly!). My next goal is to make it in both the 100yd and 200yd breaststroke. I have a long way to go, but if I build up my endurance, I can do it. Training in a 84 degree pool makes it difficult, so I plan on driving the (almost) hour round-trip to the Steve Lundquist Aquatic Center to swim one of my 5 swimming days each week. Meanwhile, in the community pool, I'm doing more and more of Allen's breaststroke drills to strengthen and improve my stroke. And, I "race" the 200yd breaststroke every session, after I warm up. I will add the 100yd it on my sprint days. In addition to Allen's tips and working a couple of times each month with a coach, the biggest help has been having my husband film me once per week. The camera never lies! So, it's a great way to check my stroke and turns for flaws. Good luck, Ande, as well as the rest of you with making major breakthroughs in your swimming! :cheerleader: P.S. 'Fly, I wore my new suit in the PTC Pentathlon where I got my NQT. It isn't a tech suit (it's just a nylon/lycra suit), so there was no advantage there, but it sure was comfortable!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 14 years ago
    You and me both,. I've increased my activity levels at work and outside of work (its nice to walk a lot now I've moved into a town) and I've noticed a significant decrease in my weight (5+ pounds) I really miss being able to walk places. Since moving here to Tx everyone goes everywhere in cars and its always too hot, too windy too cold or too far to walk!
  • There - I said it, now I have to do it.....and I STILL need to lose that last 10lbs. You and me both,. I've increased my activity levels at work and outside of work (its nice to walk a lot now I've moved into a town) and I've noticed a significant decrease in my weight (5+ pounds)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 14 years ago
    P.S. 'Fly, I wore my new suit in the PTC Pentathlon where I got my NQT. It isn't a tech suit (it's just a nylon/lycra suit), so there was no advantage there, but it sure was comfortable! Was it a smaller size though?
  • Was it a smaller size though? No, I went with a 36; the same as my Speedo Endurance suit. I was afraid to go a size smaller, because of my past thoracic outlet syndrome problems in my shoulders. Too much strap pressure will cause circulation and nerve problems. (I still can't carry a purse without causing problems, so I have to use a waist pack.) I can't imagine the suit did much to help my time. I would like to think it was the improvements I have made to my stroke. ;)
  • congratulations ElainiaK, I am so proud of you, you made your 50 time and I'm confident you will get your 100 & 200 times as well 1) are you weight training or working on strength? 2) continue with your technique work 3) continue with your conditioning 4) I was completely unaware of your "thoracic outlet syndrome problems" I believe you would swim much faster in a fabric tech suit knee skin like a speedo pro or something similar my suggestion for you would be to only put the straps up over your shoulder when you race, don't even have them up when you warm up and warm down just throw another suit over your tech suit 2010 Approved Womens Tech Suits 2010 Approved Mens Tech Suits I'm not a doc and don't know if that's workable but it might & you would swim much faster in a kneeskin. Very proud of you and keep going for more. Ande No, I went with a 36; the same as my Speedo Endurance suit. I was afraid to go a size smaller, because of my past thoracic outlet syndrome problems in my shoulders. Too much strap pressure will cause circulation and nerve problems. (I still can't carry a purse without causing problems, so I have to use a waist pack.) I can't imagine the suit did much to help my time. I would like to think it was the improvements I have made to my stroke. ;)
  • congratulations ElainiaK, I am so proud of you, you made your 50 time and I'm confident you will get your 100 & 200 times as well 1) are you weight training or working on strength? 2) continue with your technique work 3) continue with your conditioning 4) I was completely unaware of your "thoracic outlet syndrome problems" I believe you would swim much faster in a fabric tech suit knee skin like a speedo pro or something similar my suggestion for you would be to only put the straps up over your shoulder when you race, don't even have them up when you warm up and warm down just throw another suit over your tech suit 2010 Approved Womens Tech Suits 2010 Approved Mens Tech Suits I'm not a doc and don't know if that's workable but it might & you would swim much faster in a kneeskin. Very proud of you and keep going for more. Ande Awww, thanks Ande! :smooch: You have been such a great help with your tips, feedback, and encouragement. I really appreciate it! Yes, I cross-train in the gym 1-2xwk, doing two sets of 12 reps. on all of the following machines (after I do 50 minutes of a combo of treadmill, elliptical, and recumbent bike): leg press, leg curl, leg extension, adductor/abductor, rotary torso, pulley machine for triceps. I also use the dumbbells for arm and shoulder strengthening (exercises from "Swim Anatomy"). In addition to that, I do 200 reps. of various types of stomach crunches, as well as the stretching exercises from the Jan/Feb 2010 issue of Swimmer Magazine (I do those everyday). Finally, I do other stretching I learned in physical therapy for previous tarsal tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome/ surgery, and a herniated disc/surgery (Yes, my medical charts are a thick! It comes with the territory of being born into the Krugman family, I'm afraid...). I had surgery for thoracic outlet syndrome, for my left shoulder, in 2003 (work-related repetitive stress injury), but was able to avoid surgery on the right side, thanks to a great physical therapist. But, my shoulders will never be out of the woods; I always have to listen to them carefully and back off, if I feel any of the sensations/pain I experienced before. So, I am very careful in the gym and avoid the machines that cause problems. I feel my swimming (with some webbed glove or paddle work) and the weights I am currently doing for my arms and shoulders are at the limit of what my shoulders can handle. Last April, I was swimming 3,000-3,300 yds/day, 5 times/wk, but I learned it was too much and had to back off. Currently, I'm swimming around 2,500/day, 5 times/ wk, and incorporating more kick drill work to rest my shoulders when fatigue sets in. It seems to be just the right balance. My shoulders have gotten much stronger, since last February, when I joined USMS, so I even incorporated more backstroke and butterfly over the summer, and trained for a pentathlon that I was in last month. I now swim at least some fly in every workout, so my endurance and strength is building up for the stroke. I will look forward to seeing you in Mesa! :banana: Thanks, again, Ande! Cheers! :chug:
  • Since that time I have been able to recreate that feeling without fins for relatively short distances. My timing is way better when I don’t breathe, so once I get to breathing every stroke I lose the feeling, I think because I pull the trigger on my right arm too quickly when I breathe to my left. Use a Finis Snorkel