What do you think of total immersion?

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I just got Total immersion book yesterday. Have read part 1 of the book and just started doing the drills today. It seems an excallent way to swim and definatly will improve my f/s. But i'm a bit weary because it's so comercail. so my question is, Is Total immersion as good a way to swim as it makes out? or is it the best way to learn how to swim? Are there better books out there that teach you how to swim well(properly)? Hope that makes sense Swifty
  • Former Member
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    Can't we all agree to disagree and move on. This is about as tiring to read as the VO2 Max discussion. Let me summarize: Many swimmers don't like TI because of claims that seem to be a bit extreme to say the least. Many swimmers like TI because it has made them better at their sport. One thing in common? We are all swimmers. I don't like certain coaches and like others. Isn't that the same argument? Just because a coach makes claims that I may not agree with or even not believe doesn't mean someone else should/will have the same OPINION as I do. We are all entitled to our own opinions and that is that. I thought we went off the deep end (notice the swimming pun) when Ion threatened a swimmer that was competing on a world class level in the 1950's. Now that was funny?! Now it has devolved into another drab I said this you said that discussion.
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    I'm with you Sam - Mexico is not a bad idea. I will, fly or drive. My travel agent is Sheila and she said George have a tequilla for Sheila, sounds good to me. I was talking to another former Olympian today he suggested to Goswim, with Dave.
  • Originally posted by newmastersswimmer I get the implication that you think the yellow stuff tastes like something else thats yellow here....I have to disagree! Yeah, if your urine tastes like tequila I think you might have a drinking problem! I guess you might have other problems, as well, if you're drinking your urine :)
  • Former Member
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    I guess this is now...the Total Inebriation thread.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Originally posted by Peter Cruise I guess this is now...the Total Inebriation thread. After reading some of the posts it would drive anyone to drink.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    You have to admit that the new topic is more interesting than the old one was right?.....The rule for thread hijacking is that it's o.k. to hijack a thread when the old topic becomes overly irritating....look it up.....its a well known universal rule for all web surfers...LOL!! Newmastersswimmer
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    While at a bachelor party in Cabo a friend of mine was reffered to as blanco diablo by a...well, a dancer... when he refused to pay for/receive a lap dance, citing that she was overpriced and that he was mostly there to examine the dancers minds and not their bodies. originally posted by scyfreestyler (formly known as 330 man) Its always interesting how stories like this always seem to happen to "a friend of mine"....hmmm....a friend eh?....can I now call you blancablo for short...har har! Newmastersswimmer p.s. blanco diablo translates to something like "Young Devil" the reason I know this is b/c blanco is also used as a type of tequila that has not been aged long before it is bottled.....if the tequila has rested for up to a year in a barrell before it is bottled it is labeled "reposita"....and if it is aged for over 1 year....usually up to 3 - 5 years before it is bottled ...it is labeled Anejo.....thats why Herradura Anejo is better than Herradura reposito or Herradura blanco (and more expensive!).....The Herradura Supremo is aged in french oak barrels for something like 20 years.....and the Agave plants used to make the Supremo are also older than normal....like 12 years old as opposed to 8 years old.....just a few more tidbits about Tequila to bore everyone to tears...LOL!
  • One of the things I most enjoy about swimming in Masters is learning from some of my older teammates. And, it's equally impressive to realize many of them compete with swimmers half their ages at times. To sit on this forum and attempt to belittle the accomplishments of someone 30 years your senior, with impressive results regardless of the decade, is just flat out silly and there's absolutely nothing to be accomplished by it. Of course, I guess it's somewhat of an accomplishment that he's no longer comparing his times to women anymore. I'm headed to Mexico in a few weeks myself, wife and kids in tow. Strong possibility of tequila sampling, I'd put odds at 100%.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Blanco = white, not young! Tequila Blanco refers to tequila that is not yellow (which is actually the appropriate color for tequila (yellow) considering what it tastes like)
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    So the dancer called him a white devil then......I guess the reason the tequila that has not aged in the barrels is called blanco is b/c the tequila only turns color after it has rested in the barrels for some length of time before it is bottled....thus I equated blanco with young.....I'm sure about the meanings of the other 2 classifications...that being reposita and anejo....blanco is always the cheapest grade of tequila....and the harshest....the longer the tequila rests (i.e. ages) in the barrels, the smoother the tequila.....100% Agave Anejo tequila tastes very good in my opinion......I get the implication that you think the yellow stuff tastes like something else thats yellow here....I have to disagree! Newmastersswimmer