20s and 30s Swimmers in Greater Seattle area

Hi everyone, sorry if this isn’t the right place to ask this, but does anyone know any Masters teams in the Greater Seattle area that are somewhat casual and/or have college or grad school age through 30s swimmers on their team?

All of the clubs I’ve tried have had an older age group and/or felt too competitive and I am mostly just splashing around to socialize. Thanks!

  • I used to swim in that area, but it was a long time ago and may have changed.  I know in my current area (Boise) that nothing's the same after Covid, so that may be the case there as well.  Anyway, the masters team at the Federal Way Aquatic Center used to be a big team with a whole variety of ages and different practice times.  I always went to the 5am session. They did doughnuts and coffee in the bleachers once a week after the 5:00am practice, so they are/were a social group!

  • I‘m sorry to hear your team hasn’t been the same since covid, that must be really hard! I was transitioning out of collegiate swimming into masters when covid hit, and it definitely took a toll on my college club team for a few years before they bounced back! It was hard to connect to my new Masters team with the required social distancing (we were spaced too far apart on the deck or in lanes to facilitate small talk, which was awful because there was a nice swimmer my age there who I tried to flirt with hahaha), and all our team socials got cancelled. I had to start a demanding new job so between that and covid I unfortunately quit regularly swimming but recently swam with a great club while traveling and it reminded me how badly I missed how fun swimming could be. I’ll definitely check out Federal Way, that seems to be the heart of the swimming community out in the PNW since I noticed a lot of big meets are scheduled there. It’s a bit of a hike from where I am up north, but I haven’t thought to check out their practice schedule so thank you for that idea! :) 

  • I‘m sorry to hear your team hasn’t been the same since covid, that must be really hard! I was transitioning out of collegiate swimming into masters when covid hit, and it definitely took a toll on my college club team for a few years before they bounced back! It was hard to connect to my new Masters team with the required social distancing (we were spaced too far apart on the deck or in lanes to facilitate small talk, which was awful because there was a nice swimmer my age there who I tried to flirt with hahaha), and all our team socials got cancelled. I had to start a demanding new job so between that and covid I unfortunately quit regularly swimming but recently swam with a great club while traveling and it reminded me how badly I missed how fun swimming could be. I’ll definitely check out Federal Way, that seems to be the heart of the swimming community out in the PNW since I noticed a lot of big meets are scheduled there. It’s a bit of a hike from where I am up north, but I haven’t thought to check out their practice schedule so thank you for that idea! :) 

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