Will you critique my stroke technique?

Will you please critique my stroke technique on this 200 IM video?  Please keep in mind that I am NOT looking to increase my speed; my goal is solely to improve my stroke.  Why?  I have dysautonomia (aka autonomic neuropathy), a disorder of my autonomic nervous system.  I need to keep my heart rate less than around 130 bpm to avoid the tailspin my autonomic nervous system goes into at higher intensity.   As a result, I can no longer race my races; I swim my races.  NQT's are no longer on my annual goal list!

Looking over my video, I do see that I need to get my arms in for a tighter streamline.  The slow speed of my underwater dolphin kick is intentional.  I'm in Lane 2, wearing the blue suit and blue USMS cap:


Thanks, Forumites, for your constructive criticism!


  • The fly does look good. Back and free, what I notice is you are swimming uphill. On back if you can raise your hips it would help. On free similarly"push the T" as they say. Also on free you are not getting good EVF, but with your shoulders that may be harder than for most people. On BR, timing is good, kick is much better, pull is OK given your limitations, but you are recovering aiming your hand too far down.

    Good job over all, and something to monitor HR is a good idea, but fingers to the carotid is good.

  • Thanks for the feedback, King Frog!  I appreciate it and will work on making your suggested improvements.  One thing for sure:  I am ecstatic to get positive feedback on my fly, breaststroke timing and kick! 

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