What is your pet peeve about swimming?

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Former Member
No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • But, that does remind me of a pet peeve - why more people don't realize the sublime beauty of a well-swum and well-enjoyed 200 fly? :bliss:Well said, pwb, well said! :applaud: My pet peeve is my inability to (yet) master a well-swum 200 fly (or any fly race, for that matter...). :dunno: My stroke has improved, but it I am having more difficulties with it than I have ever had with my other strokes. I can swim fly forever (well, at least 2,000 yards non-stop, looking back on past efforts), but not with a stroke with any speed to it. Thanks to my inability to keep my arms close to the surface, I'm diving down with every stroke. On 200 fly, I am nowhere near making a time on the motivational charts! :badday:
  • But, that does remind me of a pet peeve - why more people don't realize the sublime beauty of a well-swum and well-enjoyed 200 fly? :bliss:Well said, pwb, well said! :applaud: My pet peeve is my inability to (yet) master a well-swum 200 fly (or any fly race, for that matter...). :dunno: My stroke has improved, but it I am having more difficulties with it than I have ever had with my other strokes. I can swim fly forever (well, at least 2,000 yards non-stop, looking back on past efforts), but not with a stroke with any speed to it. Thanks to my inability to keep my arms close to the surface, I'm diving down with every stroke. On 200 fly, I am nowhere near making a time on the motivational charts! :badday:
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