What is your pet peeve about swimming?

Former Member
Former Member
No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • Most masters swimmers are not ex NCAA types though. :thhbbb: Some have shoulder problems and need fins. Others can't do fly or *** because of shoulder or knee issues. They have to modify workouts. Better that than to not swim. If you want perfection, you have to go to USA practices because our bodies break down. I get annoyed when people swim under the lane ropes into my lane when I'm swimming solo. Sometimes, I have my monofin on and can't even see them. I'll probably kill someone with it soon. I also hate it when people want to ask me a question when I'm in the middle of a set and hanging on the wall gasping for breath waiting for the next interval. Wait till I'm done please.
  • Most masters swimmers are not ex NCAA types though. :thhbbb: Some have shoulder problems and need fins. Others can't do fly or *** because of shoulder or knee issues. They have to modify workouts. Better that than to not swim. If you want perfection, you have to go to USA practices because our bodies break down. I get annoyed when people swim under the lane ropes into my lane when I'm swimming solo. Sometimes, I have my monofin on and can't even see them. I'll probably kill someone with it soon. I also hate it when people want to ask me a question when I'm in the middle of a set and hanging on the wall gasping for breath waiting for the next interval. Wait till I'm done please.
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