What is your pet peeve about swimming?

Former Member
Former Member
No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    I've had the informal race in the pool...usually I let them burn out ahead for a bit and then hammer my last 50 (sprinters usually have a little gas left) then watch them gasp at the wall after they try to hold the lead hahaha. When this happens to me (not often but some new swimmers try to race me), I make it a point to swim extra looooooong, with fewer Strokes per distance so that it looks like even my very slow leisurely pace is outrunning them. (A few times this has impressed the person "they" were trying to impress and they (the impressees not the wannabe-impressors) were gracious enough to make positive comments.) Mostly I ignore it now. "Some" whipper-snappers you just can't ignore.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    I've had the informal race in the pool...usually I let them burn out ahead for a bit and then hammer my last 50 (sprinters usually have a little gas left) then watch them gasp at the wall after they try to hold the lead hahaha. When this happens to me (not often but some new swimmers try to race me), I make it a point to swim extra looooooong, with fewer Strokes per distance so that it looks like even my very slow leisurely pace is outrunning them. (A few times this has impressed the person "they" were trying to impress and they (the impressees not the wannabe-impressors) were gracious enough to make positive comments.) Mostly I ignore it now. "Some" whipper-snappers you just can't ignore.
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