What is your pet peeve about swimming?

Former Member
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No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    awesome thread!! lisa's pet peeves: 1. drafters. i cannot stand it when someone in my lane only goes 2 seconds behind me and drafts the entire time. and refuses to pass me, even if I ask. i hate that! 10 seconds behind, people! :frustrated: 2. people who swim butterfly down the center of the lane and refuse to break stroke or do a longer underwater to avoid smashing other swimmers. :dunno: 3. cheaters. there is this one person who gets in the fast lane at my masters practice who insists they can't kick, so they slack and turn around at the flags or halfway down the pool for every lap we do. please, just go on a slower interval! :( 4. People who come to masters practice just to pick up prospective dates. :rolleyes: 5. Small showers. At one of our Y's here, the showers come up to my shoulders. And i'm 5'5! How is that supposed to get my hair clean without bending over? :mad: 6. hocking loogies. gross. :shakeshead: 7. rain that forces the pool to shut down for practice. :eek: 8. people who talk while our coach is giving the set. :blah: 9. water bugs. have you guys seen these things? we had them in the outdoor pool at the O'Dome. They are about the size of your fist and are dark black and swim around with 2 clamper looking things. Scary! :o 10. Getting excited to get in the hot tub after practice and finally getting in and it's not turned on!! :shakeshead: 11. when people look at me and go, "no offense, but are you a swimmer?" and i respond, "yeah, why?" and they reply, "because you have broad shoulders." Why would i take offense to that? 12. People who try to talk during sets with gossip and whatever else. I agree with the above post that if you can talk during practice you're not working hard enough.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    awesome thread!! lisa's pet peeves: 1. drafters. i cannot stand it when someone in my lane only goes 2 seconds behind me and drafts the entire time. and refuses to pass me, even if I ask. i hate that! 10 seconds behind, people! :frustrated: 2. people who swim butterfly down the center of the lane and refuse to break stroke or do a longer underwater to avoid smashing other swimmers. :dunno: 3. cheaters. there is this one person who gets in the fast lane at my masters practice who insists they can't kick, so they slack and turn around at the flags or halfway down the pool for every lap we do. please, just go on a slower interval! :( 4. People who come to masters practice just to pick up prospective dates. :rolleyes: 5. Small showers. At one of our Y's here, the showers come up to my shoulders. And i'm 5'5! How is that supposed to get my hair clean without bending over? :mad: 6. hocking loogies. gross. :shakeshead: 7. rain that forces the pool to shut down for practice. :eek: 8. people who talk while our coach is giving the set. :blah: 9. water bugs. have you guys seen these things? we had them in the outdoor pool at the O'Dome. They are about the size of your fist and are dark black and swim around with 2 clamper looking things. Scary! :o 10. Getting excited to get in the hot tub after practice and finally getting in and it's not turned on!! :shakeshead: 11. when people look at me and go, "no offense, but are you a swimmer?" and i respond, "yeah, why?" and they reply, "because you have broad shoulders." Why would i take offense to that? 12. People who try to talk during sets with gossip and whatever else. I agree with the above post that if you can talk during practice you're not working hard enough.
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