What is your pet peeve about swimming?

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No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • Originally posted by tjburk Being interrupted in the middle of a killer set!!!! You're on a roll... someone leans over and asks....is the pool open for swimming? AAAGGGHHHHH!!!!! No, MO - we're swimming here because it's closed. :mad: :D lol, likewise, I can't stand it when people try and strike up a conversation with you during a workout! i.e. " so did you catch the basketball game last night?" or asking about workouts etc... right when I'm about to push off the wall for another set! arrrrrgh! and umm.... eeeeeew, thank goodness I've never seen anyone put their sweaty clothes in the swimsuit dryer!
  • Originally posted by tjburk Being interrupted in the middle of a killer set!!!! You're on a roll... someone leans over and asks....is the pool open for swimming? AAAGGGHHHHH!!!!! No, MO - we're swimming here because it's closed. :mad: :D lol, likewise, I can't stand it when people try and strike up a conversation with you during a workout! i.e. " so did you catch the basketball game last night?" or asking about workouts etc... right when I'm about to push off the wall for another set! arrrrrgh! and umm.... eeeeeew, thank goodness I've never seen anyone put their sweaty clothes in the swimsuit dryer!
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