No matter how hard you scrub or how often you always smell of chlorine!
Former Member
Originally posted by swim53
My pet peeve is an aquatic director at a local Y who refuses to put lane ropes in, even during the (few and far between) lap times.
I remember the old Y where I used to swim. The people didn't like to share lanes - I think they thought there was an amendment in the constitution that gave everybody the right to a private lane - maybe it came under pursuit of happiness. Anyway, it was a six lane pool, and the Y put in lane ropes (those dinky ones that were ropes with little floats) that made SEVEN lanes, making it impossible to share a lane.
Originally posted by swim53
My pet peeve is an aquatic director at a local Y who refuses to put lane ropes in, even during the (few and far between) lap times.
I remember the old Y where I used to swim. The people didn't like to share lanes - I think they thought there was an amendment in the constitution that gave everybody the right to a private lane - maybe it came under pursuit of happiness. Anyway, it was a six lane pool, and the Y put in lane ropes (those dinky ones that were ropes with little floats) that made SEVEN lanes, making it impossible to share a lane.