What is your pet peeve about swimming?

Former Member
Former Member
No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • At least your pool is divided into 6 lanes and allows 12 people to easily swim side by side. My Y divides the 6 lane pool into 3 large lanes. That means 9 people swim without circle swimming. And the middle person of the 3 has to swim without benefit of the black line or a lane line to guide them, talk about a colision hazard. Then if you have to circle swim, you have to circle the whole thing which adds bunches to you swim. The only good thing about it is it makes it easy to pass and I usually ending up swimming circles in the middle of the outter circle(does that even make sense?). I have suggested to the Y to use all the lane lines and therefore utilize the pool better. They say people don't like it and will complain. I say try it, change it and then people would get used to it. I dropped my teen son off to swim laps one day and came back to see him swimming with 4 in a lane not circle swimming and at first thought he had "broken" the rules and would be in trouble. Then I realized Nadine had jumped in with him and the two of them had devised their own little circle swim without benefit of lane lines and were able to get a good work-out together without worry of upsetting other slower swimmers. Guvnah, I have a fellow Master swimmer who told me that her favorite lane was lane 4, but she did not make a big deal about not getting it. However, if I knew she was coming and there were other lanes open, I made sure I did not take "her" lane out of respect for her wishes. The lady should never of told you to move, if she cannot deal with her fellow swimmers, SHE should have moved. I have learned to time my breathing when passing the big fellow that swims next to me in the morning. You guys DO make a big wake!!
  • At least your pool is divided into 6 lanes and allows 12 people to easily swim side by side. My Y divides the 6 lane pool into 3 large lanes. That means 9 people swim without circle swimming. And the middle person of the 3 has to swim without benefit of the black line or a lane line to guide them, talk about a colision hazard. Then if you have to circle swim, you have to circle the whole thing which adds bunches to you swim. The only good thing about it is it makes it easy to pass and I usually ending up swimming circles in the middle of the outter circle(does that even make sense?). I have suggested to the Y to use all the lane lines and therefore utilize the pool better. They say people don't like it and will complain. I say try it, change it and then people would get used to it. I dropped my teen son off to swim laps one day and came back to see him swimming with 4 in a lane not circle swimming and at first thought he had "broken" the rules and would be in trouble. Then I realized Nadine had jumped in with him and the two of them had devised their own little circle swim without benefit of lane lines and were able to get a good work-out together without worry of upsetting other slower swimmers. Guvnah, I have a fellow Master swimmer who told me that her favorite lane was lane 4, but she did not make a big deal about not getting it. However, if I knew she was coming and there were other lanes open, I made sure I did not take "her" lane out of respect for her wishes. The lady should never of told you to move, if she cannot deal with her fellow swimmers, SHE should have moved. I have learned to time my breathing when passing the big fellow that swims next to me in the morning. You guys DO make a big wake!!
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