What is your pet peeve about swimming?

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No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Let's hope not for all our sakes... Seriously though, if it's one thing that REALLY annoys the hell out of me is a Faux pas, Phoney, Overweight Aqua Aerobe who thinks she's "Working out and burning carbs or calories" "...I'm trying to tone up and lose weight" *strolls down the full length of the shallow lane with buoyant and not so heavy aqua weights* "...DO YOU THINK I SWIM LAPS FOR FUN?!" ...okay, that was dumb, but I burn twice, if not THRICE as much calories and carbs as you! If you're gonna workout, SWIM SOME FRIGGIN LAPS LADY!!! ...The shower cap instead of a swim cap thing was over the top! Much better than the little old ladies doing water aerobics (after their hair salon appointment) who insist upon wearing shower caps in the pool instead of swim caps! - msgrupp I agree with Jean Sterling (Quoted from the "You Know You're a Swimmer..." thread). I'd rather shave myself bald then nervously worry about my hair getting wet or harmed by pool chemicals. One of the aerobic ladies told me that she had to "go straight to the beauty parlor" if her hair got wet. I would shave my head and get a wig before I would be such a slave to my hair. Admittedly their hair does look better than my overly chlorinated tresses, but what a price to pay. - Jean Sterling
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Let's hope not for all our sakes... Seriously though, if it's one thing that REALLY annoys the hell out of me is a Faux pas, Phoney, Overweight Aqua Aerobe who thinks she's "Working out and burning carbs or calories" "...I'm trying to tone up and lose weight" *strolls down the full length of the shallow lane with buoyant and not so heavy aqua weights* "...DO YOU THINK I SWIM LAPS FOR FUN?!" ...okay, that was dumb, but I burn twice, if not THRICE as much calories and carbs as you! If you're gonna workout, SWIM SOME FRIGGIN LAPS LADY!!! ...The shower cap instead of a swim cap thing was over the top! Much better than the little old ladies doing water aerobics (after their hair salon appointment) who insist upon wearing shower caps in the pool instead of swim caps! - msgrupp I agree with Jean Sterling (Quoted from the "You Know You're a Swimmer..." thread). I'd rather shave myself bald then nervously worry about my hair getting wet or harmed by pool chemicals. One of the aerobic ladies told me that she had to "go straight to the beauty parlor" if her hair got wet. I would shave my head and get a wig before I would be such a slave to my hair. Admittedly their hair does look better than my overly chlorinated tresses, but what a price to pay. - Jean Sterling
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