What is your pet peeve about swimming?

Former Member
Former Member
No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    I really only have one pet peeve and it is this: when someone INSISTS on letting you go ahead of them on a set, knowing full well they are faster, and then they are right on your ass for the entire repeat! I hate, hate, hate that. There is one person in particular who immediately comes to mind..... OR - they don't give you the general five seconds before pushing off (they wait just one or two) and then they ride your toes the rest of the way. OK...here's another pet peeve.... Sometimes, if a workout is particularly crowded, a faster person might get stuck in a slower lane. It's up to the coach to move everyone around, but sometimes that doesn't happen and the faster person (in my opinion) should acquiesce to the rest of the lane's interval. This has happened to me and in my mind I think..."OK, it's a 'work on my technique' day" because I can't expect the other 4 people to keep my pace. OR - if I get stuck in a faster lane that's just too fast for me (it's happened several times) I either cut my yardage down in order to keep up or sit out every other repeat or whatever. But I guess my main peeve is the "go ahead of me so I can ride your ass" folks. Oh yeah - and I hate it when people stick around in the lane after a workout and chit chat for 15 minutes while I try to avoid running into them while doing a flip turn. Grrrrr....:mad:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    I really only have one pet peeve and it is this: when someone INSISTS on letting you go ahead of them on a set, knowing full well they are faster, and then they are right on your ass for the entire repeat! I hate, hate, hate that. There is one person in particular who immediately comes to mind..... OR - they don't give you the general five seconds before pushing off (they wait just one or two) and then they ride your toes the rest of the way. OK...here's another pet peeve.... Sometimes, if a workout is particularly crowded, a faster person might get stuck in a slower lane. It's up to the coach to move everyone around, but sometimes that doesn't happen and the faster person (in my opinion) should acquiesce to the rest of the lane's interval. This has happened to me and in my mind I think..."OK, it's a 'work on my technique' day" because I can't expect the other 4 people to keep my pace. OR - if I get stuck in a faster lane that's just too fast for me (it's happened several times) I either cut my yardage down in order to keep up or sit out every other repeat or whatever. But I guess my main peeve is the "go ahead of me so I can ride your ass" folks. Oh yeah - and I hate it when people stick around in the lane after a workout and chit chat for 15 minutes while I try to avoid running into them while doing a flip turn. Grrrrr....:mad:
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