Why do you use your specific handle

Former Member
Former Member
Hi, This does not have much to do with swimming, but I was just wondering how people come up with their handles (your alias that you use for your name). Do you have a specific meaning or did somebody just give you this nickname? Mine was given partially tot me by my brother-in-law, who thought that hans was a Dutch name (i am Dutch) and I like James bond, although he is a bad swimmer...
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Way to go, Ian.......I dumped the "flyguy" designation because of swimmer's snickering at the obvious connotation. I'm not particularly tall, so I couldn't adopt the moniker "bigflyguy". The term "fastflyguy" seems to fit, until you let your mind wander where it shouldn't. So, until I come up with something better, I will keep the name I have. Call me Bert, just don't call me late for dinner.......... ~~~^o^~~~
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Way to go, Ian.......I dumped the "flyguy" designation because of swimmer's snickering at the obvious connotation. I'm not particularly tall, so I couldn't adopt the moniker "bigflyguy". The term "fastflyguy" seems to fit, until you let your mind wander where it shouldn't. So, until I come up with something better, I will keep the name I have. Call me Bert, just don't call me late for dinner.......... ~~~^o^~~~
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