This does not have much to do with swimming, but I was just wondering how people come up with their handles (your alias that you use for your name). Do you have a specific meaning or did somebody just give you this nickname?
Mine was given partially tot me by my brother-in-law, who thought that hans was a Dutch name (i am Dutch) and I like James bond, although he is a bad swimmer...
Former Member
Way to go, Ian.......I dumped the "flyguy" designation because of swimmer's snickering at the obvious connotation. I'm not particularly tall, so I couldn't adopt the moniker "bigflyguy".
The term "fastflyguy" seems to fit, until you let your mind wander where it shouldn't.
So, until I come up with something better, I will keep the name I have. Call me Bert, just don't call me late for dinner..........
Way to go, Ian.......I dumped the "flyguy" designation because of swimmer's snickering at the obvious connotation. I'm not particularly tall, so I couldn't adopt the moniker "bigflyguy".
The term "fastflyguy" seems to fit, until you let your mind wander where it shouldn't.
So, until I come up with something better, I will keep the name I have. Call me Bert, just don't call me late for dinner..........