When we return to swimming.

For me, it's now going on four weeks since my last swim. We were in Turks and Caicos March 7-14 for spring break where I was doing daily open-water swims along the beach. My last swim was a 3-miler on March 13. When we got back to the U.S., we had to go into mandated 14-day quarantine so I wasn't able to get out to go to the pool before they all closed. Who knows when I'll swim again...either open-water warming up (I live in RI), or pools opening again. I am maintaining fitness with bike rides, and a run here and there. And I know I there is other 'dry land' training I could be doing. But my concern when returning to the water is injuring myself because of doing TMTS. I'm just that kind of athlete. Raise you're hand if you think you're a candidate for a TMTS injury too. Dan
  • I did about 500M today. Just to get out there and see how it was, before working out an arrangement for the kids and some of their (club team) peers. I struggled a bit. Core temp wasn't bad, I had a sleeveless wetsuit on. But my face was stinging from the cold, and I had to do *** stroke until I could stop hyperventilating. But I had a really tough time breathing. Didn't force myself to exhale completely, so was breathing too often. And then I started holding my breath. I'd catch myself, and correct, but I need some more time getting used to it enough to get in a true workout. If you're in Knoxville, I think Blaik has been holding o/w swims almost every day since pools shut down. And I don't think he owns a wetsuit ;) That said, adjusting to cooler water (cooler than you're used to at least) does take a little time. I live in the Austin area, where we (usually) have Barton Springs, naturally kept at 70-72 year-round. The first few times I swam there it did take my breath away. But over time I adjusted, and swimming there nearly every week made it not so much of a harsh reality when I got in the water. If I'm struggling to breathe, I'll start out with heads-up breaststroke, gradually get my head a little further down until it is somewhat of a real breaststroke. Then after I feel ok doing a few full strokes of ***, I'll switch to free. I visited Australia in Oct 2019, and while in Sydney was determined to swim at Bondi Icebergs. Thankfully it was a sunny day, but the water was about 62-64F. I did my *** trick, heads-up for a 50, real for a 50, then switched to free. Before I knew it I was doing regular free, including flip turns. It got a bit freaky when waves would crash over the sea wall, but that's part of the experience.
  • Open water season is about over here in AZ... getting too stinking hot. While I appreciate the hope expressed in this thread, if we are truly committed to womb to the tomb safety, I'm not sure how we ever get back to swimming. As elderly swimmers, we are going to always be "at risk". How do we get 2000 people together for Nationals again? Who decides when it's safe and on what evidence? If it isn't safe now in a chlorinated pool, why will it be safe in 2 months? So depressing... I lived in AZ for 20 years and I remember how warm the water would get. Usually by Memorial Day it was already in the 80s. A few times I parked at Butcher Jones and did a swim-bike-swim, sometimes with some friends. They would wear wetsuits and still complain about cold water (in April!) I'm not really sure how things will progress with getting back to somewhat normal. I agree with scyfreestyler, that the main concern is getting people to/from events, and what they are doing when not swimming. As an o/w swimmer, I'm finding that to be one of the safest things to do right now, so long as I don't get run over by a boat :afraid: Eventually someone will need to decide if events will continue or not, and if they will how to do it somewhat safely. The annual USMS convention will be held virtually this year. We'll see how that goes. Unfortunately, you can't do that with a meet. And even having 'virtual races' there are so many different conditions from pool to pool that it wouldn't be a level playground (even more when you include open water).
  • Has anyone else started o/w swimming? It sounds like things are starting to warm up around the country. Open water season is about over here in AZ... getting too stinking hot. While I appreciate the hope expressed in this thread, if we are truly committed to womb to the tomb safety, I'm not sure how we ever get back to swimming. As elderly swimmers, we are going to always be "at risk". How do we get 2000 people together for Nationals again? Who decides when it's safe and on what evidence? If it isn't safe now in a chlorinated pool, why will it be safe in 2 months? So depressing...
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    Open water season is about over here in AZ... getting too stinking hot. While I appreciate the hope expressed in this thread, if we are truly committed to womb to the tomb safety, I'm not sure how we ever get back to swimming. As elderly swimmers, we are going to always be "at risk". How do we get 2000 people together for Nationals again? Who decides when it's safe and on what evidence? If it isn't safe now in a chlorinated pool, why will it be safe in 2 months? So depressing... Doesn't the risk of transmission have more to do with what happens above the water and not below? If you're standing in close proximity to and having a conversation with an infected person with a vat of sodium hypochlorite between the two of you, wouldn't you still stand a good chance of contracting the virus? Crowded warm up lanes and dozens of bodies behind the blocks as heats go off would be my concern. Anyway, my hope is that antivirals that can shorten the duration or severity of symptoms will become available (maybe that has already begun, Remdesivir?) before a vaccine works it way to market. Maybe at that point the danger to older adults and those with comorbidities will be reduced sufficiently to allow such large gatherings? Or, maybe instant testing will become more available and could be useful at large events when social distancing or masks are not practical? My sister is an ICU nurse and tells me they have to be very cautious about under what parameters they administer their instant tests or they would run out in a matter of days. Surely that will improve with time, right? Could this be a new business opportunity? Secure the testing equipment and supplies, then contract out to businesses or events. A wise masters swimmer once told me that it's a good idea to have a number of fitness activities to choose from. If pools are not available or you hurt your shoulder, it's nice to have the ability to just spend more time on your spin bike, go out hiking or running, etc.. So, I'm doing power zone rides and keeping the dogs entertained with long walks!
  • Will still miss those few months I would have had with my college club in my last semester. But weâ€Tmve been doing leadership meetings virtually and I really hope they get to swim together as a club this fall! I will live vicariously through my friendsâ€Tm college swimming, and I will find a new Masters workout group while chilling out in WA with my family. Not sure when yet. But before I know it, I hope! :) Where are you in Washington? I know most of the groups in the Seattle metro area if you'd like some info.
  • By the time pools open up again, I am going to have a pony tail.
  • If you're in Knoxville, I think Blaik has been holding o/w swims almost every day since pools shut down. And I don't think he owns a wetsuit ;) Is that a typo? I've tried to look up him here but can't find a poster by that name. Probably operator error on my end, though. By the time pools open up again, I am going to have a pony tail. We should all be so lucky. I'd resembled Phil Collins of the 80's. I just took clippers and a #1 guard to my head a few weeks ago.
  • I had a "pony" back when I was coaching H S swim teams. 1/2 of the kids liked and 1/2 did not. My wife was 100% in the not like it. She cut my hair last weekend as I was also starting a pony. I said"Hey! I'm 74 and am still growing hair - leave me alone!
  • I usually have a short, spiky haircut, but my last cut was at the end of February. The top is getting long and thick, but I'm getting pretty good at trimming the edges in front and around my ears, and all around the bottom in back-- thanks to my shoulder flexibility from my yoga and stretching! :banana:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    Swimming. Lol. Seriously though: When the world turned upsidedown in mid March, I assumed 6 months off. Now I am crossing my fingers for 3 months off. (Last swim was March 13th.) June 13th is not an unreasonable dream, is it? (I do keep dreaming about that first swim: an awkward feeling warmup, a 50m push in 49sec, a tired cooldown, a needed day off afterwards....) :)