When we return to swimming.

For me, it's now going on four weeks since my last swim. We were in Turks and Caicos March 7-14 for spring break where I was doing daily open-water swims along the beach. My last swim was a 3-miler on March 13. When we got back to the U.S., we had to go into mandated 14-day quarantine so I wasn't able to get out to go to the pool before they all closed. Who knows when I'll swim again...either open-water warming up (I live in RI), or pools opening again. I am maintaining fitness with bike rides, and a run here and there. And I know I there is other 'dry land' training I could be doing. But my concern when returning to the water is injuring myself because of doing TMTS. I'm just that kind of athlete. Raise you're hand if you think you're a candidate for a TMTS injury too. Dan
  • Rant of the day. Cancelled my Gold's membership after 14 years because they weren't opening up the pool, claiming they couldn't, then that they were waiting on guidance, adn finally ignoring me after I gave them the executive orders and guidelines published from the state. So I tried National Fitness this morning. Pool was 89 degrees. I feel your pain. I have my Y membership on hold hoping that they'll eventually open the pool for more than three 45 minute lap swim reservations per week. In the meantime, I've joined at Crunch fitness, but the pool is soooo warm. I haven't officially checked the temp, but I would guess 85. The management says that they can't lower the temp because of the water joggers. Ugh. I would think that even the water joggers would find it too warm. In addition, it's been crowded. It's a 6-lane old school-width pool, and most mornings there are 13-15 swimmers using the space. Ironically, the Y's 50m pool (set up for 18 short course lanes) is only allowing 18 swimmers for 45 minutes and 15 minutes in between sessions. I just want to swim! Guess I should be glad that the pool's not 89 though. Yikes!
  • Rant of the day. Cancelled my Gold's membership after 14 years because they weren't opening up the pool, claiming they couldn't, then that they were waiting on guidance, adn finally ignoring me after I gave them the executive orders and guidelines published from the state. So I tried National Fitness this morning. Pool was 89 degrees.
  • Jeez. I would have felt like I was being boiled alive!
  • Some counties in Oregon have opened their pools. My county and the surrounding areas have not. I am a little fed up with people. 1 month age almost everyone I saw wore masks and politely social distanced. Cases of covid went down and some counties experimented with a little freedom and suddenly I am one of about 20% of the people I see wearing a mask. Today Oregon had our largest number of cases so far and it is just going up. If everyone kept wearing a mask and social distancing we would be opening faster and making progress, instead we are going the wrong direction.
  • Some counties in Oregon have opened their pools. My county and the surrounding areas have not. I am a little fed up with people. 1 month age almost everyone I saw wore masks and politely social distanced. Cases of covid went down and some counties experimented with a little freedom and suddenly I am one of about 20% of the people I see wearing a mask. Today Oregon had our largest number of cases so far and it is just going up. If everyone kept wearing a mask and social distancing we would be opening faster and making progress, instead we are going the wrong direction. :applaud: Well said, King Frog. My sentiments exactly!
  • How will they hire life guards? Will they be checked as we will for Covid19? There's a huge lifeguard shortage in this area, and probably elsewhere too. Lifeguards typically go through certification during the spring, and most of those were cancelled this year. The City of Austin has reopened pools, but they are only open a few days a week, and some for only 1/2 day, because of this lifeguard shortage. I swam at Barton Springs on Sunday. They check all of the lifeguards as they report for work. Then all swimmers need a reservation (2-hour increments), and we were also scanned. They clear the area about 15 min early, so I managed to get in about 1 hour 40 min of swimming. My local pool finally eliminated the hour limit on swimming :banana: Our overnight temps have been mostly tolerable, and they've mostly been running the aerator, so the water temp has been pleasant (yesterday they said 76F). Hoping this lasts for a while.
  • Some counties in Oregon have opened their pools. My county and the surrounding areas have not. I am a little fed up with people. 1 month age almost everyone I saw wore masks and politely social distanced. Cases of covid went down and some counties experimented with a little freedom and suddenly I am one of about 20% of the people I see wearing a mask. Today Oregon had our largest number of cases so far and it is just going up. If everyone kept wearing a mask and social distancing we would be opening faster and making progress, instead we are going the wrong direction. Idaho entered stage 4 of our reopening on Saturday. You would think that stage 4 means that everything's back to normal by the way people are acting (that is not how it is meant to be of course). I thought it was interesting that at Crunch Fitness, stage 4 apparently means that employees no longer need to wear face masks, not that the face masks were doing much good anyway being worn under the chin. Today we had the highest number of cases since April 22, more than 30 of those cases were tied to the bar scene in downtown Boise (bars reopened two weeks ago in stage 3). At this rate the Y is bound to re-close the pool rather than open up more reservations.
  • I feel relatively fortunate in this. My LA Fitness reopened on June 8. While the pool was often over 80 before it closed, it's at least bearable at around 80 now. The restriction is one person to a lane. But I often have the four-lane pool to myself.
  • I feel relatively fortunate in this. My LA Fitness reopened on June 8. While the pool was often over 80 before it closed, it's at least bearable at around 80 now. The restriction is one person to a lane. But I often have the four-lane pool to myself. There is supposedly a 1 person per lane restriction at Crunch as well, but no one enforces it. I circle-swam with three other swimmers (all former Y swimmers that I know) during their warm up and my cool down today so that they wouldn't have to wait for a lane to open. All but one of the lanes had 2+ swimmers by the time that I got out.
  • Starting next week our area will require facemasks at all public indoor areas. The current timeline is that pools may open by July 10th. With the facemask requirement we may make that(fingers crossed).