When we return to swimming.

For me, it's now going on four weeks since my last swim. We were in Turks and Caicos March 7-14 for spring break where I was doing daily open-water swims along the beach. My last swim was a 3-miler on March 13. When we got back to the U.S., we had to go into mandated 14-day quarantine so I wasn't able to get out to go to the pool before they all closed. Who knows when I'll swim again...either open-water warming up (I live in RI), or pools opening again. I am maintaining fitness with bike rides, and a run here and there. And I know I there is other 'dry land' training I could be doing. But my concern when returning to the water is injuring myself because of doing TMTS. I'm just that kind of athlete. Raise you're hand if you think you're a candidate for a TMTS injury too. Dan
  • Hopefully that'll happen for you...
  • Starting next week our area will require facemasks at all public indoor areas. The current timeline is that pools may open by July 10th. With the facemask requirement we may make that(fingers crossed). Oregon is smart. Every state should have that requirement, and it should have come from the top. Lead by example. I'm sorry you haven't been able to swim, King Frog. I know how much you're missing the pond. :bighug:
  • To my original post in this thread about doing TMTS "when we return"...I think I may have done it. For the past few weeks I've been feeling a bit of discomfort in my left shoulder during swims. But I'm not sure if it's TMTS, or a tad bit of old age arthritis (I'm 59½ years old). I was doing long pool swims over the winter (3-4 miles at least twice per week). Then we went on Caribbean vacation second week of March where I was doing daily open water swims. Got home on March 14th and all the pools were already closed, but the open water was still too cold (I'm in coastal Rhode Island). Personally I was about a month-and-a-half with no swimming whatsoever. Then, I opened our home pool in early May rather than the usual late May so that I could do some tethered swims. Because of the month-and-a-half layoff I deliberately ramped up slowly. Fifteen minutes at first, then 20, then 25, then 40. Eventually, over the next three weeks up to one hour, ten minutes (that I count as a 2½ mile swim). Finally in the last week of May was able to get into the open water with the wetsuit, and as of last week without the wetsuit. The water still chilly but bearable for short periods. But for an hour-plus swim I start to feel chilly. So I can't tell, yet, if the ache in my shoulder while swimming is a result of old age, TMTS, or affects of the cold water (or all three combined). Dan
  • Any takers? I'll take that bet, Skuj. When you say swim at "the pool"...I take that to mean at the pool you normally swim. Fortunately I'm just a long distance swimmer and now have the open water to go in. But my "normal" pool is on the local U.S. Navy base. That gym/pool facility hasn't re-opened yet...not even for active duty troops. I'm a military retiree so normally I have the privilege of using that pool for no charge. But, I also work there part time/on call. So, I've been in the meetings to discuss and plan the reopening phases once they get the OK to reopen. Whenever that is (they don't know yet), there will be four phases. And, they're not sure how long each phase will last...could be weeks to months. Phase one will allow only active duty troops to use the facility (requiring reservations, and staggering lanes). Military retirees won't be allowed until the last phase. (Granted...as a staff member I could go in there to swim to maintain proficiency. But other retirees can't. And, I don't want to bump an active duty troop from maintaining their fitness.) So, I'm just hoping that I'll be able to go there by the time the open water season here in southern Rhode Island wraps up...usually in mid-October. Dan
  • After three months of no swimming (except for 3 attempts to learn lake swimming, 2 of which lasted under a minute due to the lake being too cold then) I am now eagerly scheduled for three Masters team practices next week. I anticipated leaping for joy at this moment, instead my mind feels numb like it canâ€Tmt believe whatâ€Tms going on lol For Masters, we are only having 12 swimmers a practice, 2 per 6 lanes. We have to do a health check and wear masks/social distance until we get into the water itself. We preselect each practice on a poll sent out to us the week before, so we know itâ€Tms 12 or less coming. This is my first time with this Masters team since Iâ€Tmm in a new location so Iâ€Tmm hoping all goes well. I definitely need to be careful not to overdo it. I thought lap swim would open first, but itâ€Tms still closed in all nearby pools, and this facility is only allowing Masters and HS swim workouts but not public swim yet. I was expecting gentle easy solo laps my first time back but now already feel a little competitive knowing there will be 11 strong swimmers buzzing up and down the pool with me!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    I think we should turn this into a kind of competition. I bet that I will be the last forumite to swim lanes at the pool!!! Any takers? (I live in BC, Canada.)
  • One of our local pools opened for team practice in limited numbers but, not our team pool that is 2 towns away about 7 miles.
  • I am in the process of selecting software for our USMS club to use to allow swimmers to reserve lanes and am hoping to hear what other clubs are using. I'd especially like to hear from people who selected a tool, or swimmers whose club is having them reserve a spot with a tool. I have done a little searching for this topic here but haven't seen anything yet. I have not been a regular user here, so apologies if I missed something. We don't have pool access yet, but hope to have up to 120 reservable lanes per week, so we are looking for a reservation system that's easy for someone to administer and easy for swimmers with a low price tag. So far I am comparing Google calendar (Gsuite), Schedulicity, Calendly, Skedda. So far schedulicity seems to be the closest to what we will need but I'm having trouble figuring out the cost after the free access expires. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Cynthia Hertzer, Santa Cruz Masters ----- P.S. A little humor for shelter-in-place: www.swimmontereybay.org/. If you want to try this at home, the "observer report" is a parts list.
  • I am in the process of selecting software for our USMS club to use to allow swimmers to reserve lanes and am hoping to hear what other clubs are using. I'd especially like to hear from people who selected a tool, or swimmers whose club is having them reserve a spot with a tool. I have done a little searching for this topic here but haven't seen anything yet. I have not been a regular user here, so apologies if I missed something. We don't have pool access yet, but hope to have up to 120 reservable lanes per week, so we are looking for a reservation system that's easy for someone to administer and easy for swimmers with a low price tag. So far I am comparing Google calendar (Gsuite), Schedulicity, Calendly, Skedda. So far schedulicity seems to be the closest to what we will need but I'm having trouble figuring out the cost after the free access expires. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Cynthia Hertzer, Santa Cruz Masters ----- P.S. A little humor for shelter-in-place: www.swimmontereybay.org/. If you want to try this at home, the "observer report" is a parts list. Austin Aquatics and Sports Academy in Austin TX has a great App that they use for scheduling. I have no idea if they developed it, bought it or would share info about it...but might be worth contacting them and asking http://aasa-atx.com I believe the GM's name is Megan hope this help your search
  • I hope to soon join my team mates in the pool any way we can, even if it is 2-3-4 per lane at staggered times!