acronyms. what do they mean?

  • CH: choice FL: fly BK: back BR: *** FR: free SDK: streamline dolphin kick (underwater) IMO: IM order RIMO: reverse IM order AOME: all out maximum effort DPS: distance per stroke RP: race pace BC: breath control Pyramid: distances or reps go up and back down--e.g. a 100 pyramid goes 25-50-75-100-75-50-25 X up/Y down: breathing pattern on fly, X number of strokes with a breath in a row, Y number of strokes without a breath in a row SKPS or SKIPS: swim, kick, (IM), pull, swim BS: best stroke BS: Coach Tim (me) is full of ---- WTF: way to finish! WTF: what the ---- is Coach Tim thinking, why do I continue to swim with this jerk?! DNBS: do not break stroke WS: worst stroke NFR: non-free BP: breathing pattern X-Y BP: breathing pattern on free where you breathe, take X strokes without a breath, breathe, take Y strokes without a breath, then rinse and repeat :Xr: rest interval--e.g. :10r means rest for 10 seconds Chain: first person in the lane goes when the last person finishes ISCTSHW: I Survived Coach Tim's Stupid Hell Week
  • CH: choice FL: fly BK: back BR: *** FR: free SDK: streamline dolphin kick (underwater) IMO: IM order RIMO: reverse IM order AOME: all out maximum effort DPS: distance per stroke RP: race pace BC: breath control Pyramid: distances or reps go up and back down--e.g. a 100 pyramid goes 25-50-75-100-75-50-25 X up/Y down: breathing pattern on fly, X number of strokes with a breath in a row, Y number of strokes without a breath in a row SKPS or SKIPS: swim, kick, (IM), pull, swim BS: best stroke BS: Coach Tim (me) is full of ---- WTF: way to finish! WTF: what the ---- is Coach Tim thinking, why do I continue to swim with this jerk?! DNBS: do not break stroke WS: worst stroke NFR: non-free BP: breathing pattern X-Y BP: breathing pattern on free where you breathe, take X strokes without a breath, breathe, take Y strokes without a breath, then rinse and repeat :Xr: rest interval--e.g. :10r means rest for 10 seconds Chain: first person in the lane goes when the last person finishes ISCTSHW: I Survived Coach Tim's Stupid Hell Week
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