acronyms. what do they mean?

  • Hello, I am new and not familiar with the acronyms used at the pool. The coaches have bee nice to answer my questions, but sometimes I forget and feel really bad asking again and again. Is there a place I can find them out? Thanks a bunch. Mayra Depends upon the coach. Different coaches and swimmers use different acronyms, abbreviations, short hand, and syntax. Might post some of your particular questions on acronyms here and we can sort them out.
  • s c y = short course yards l c y = long yards B L B = bilateral breathing side breathing = turn head to side to breathe on butterfly L S D = long shore drive in Chicago please add more from others.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 5 years ago
    "so I was like 'Grandma what do you think "WTF" means?' And she said someone in her bridge club told her it means 'Wow, that's fun.' ... And so that's what it means. I'm not explaining anything else to her." At about 1:20
  • CH: choice FL: fly BK: back BR: *** FR: free SDK: streamline dolphin kick (underwater) IMO: IM order RIMO: reverse IM order AOME: all out maximum effort DPS: distance per stroke RP: race pace BC: breath control Pyramid: distances or reps go up and back down--e.g. a 100 pyramid goes 25-50-75-100-75-50-25 X up/Y down: breathing pattern on fly, X number of strokes with a breath in a row, Y number of strokes without a breath in a row SKPS or SKIPS: swim, kick, (IM), pull, swim BS: best stroke BS: Coach Tim (me) is full of ---- WTF: way to finish! WTF: what the ---- is Coach Tim thinking, why do I continue to swim with this jerk?! DNBS: do not break stroke WS: worst stroke NFR: non-free BP: breathing pattern X-Y BP: breathing pattern on free where you breathe, take X strokes without a breath, breathe, take Y strokes without a breath, then rinse and repeat :Xr: rest interval--e.g. :10r means rest for 10 seconds Chain: first person in the lane goes when the last person finishes ISCTSHW: I Survived Coach Tim's Stupid Hell Week
  • Yeah --- that should cover it!! Well done HABU !!
  • I had not heard AOME, I like it... I have heard AFAP, as fast as possible (hopefully I will catch that "possible" guy someday)
  • From a comic ---- W T F = wow that's funny My kids told me it meant "Why the face?" They been lying to their dad?!?!
  • From a comic ---- W T F = wow that's funny