The swims being automatically entered into the USMS FLOG no longer work for me as of December 2021. All accounts are linked. As a test, I unlinked then relinked, but nothing transfers over like it did prior to mid December 2021.
Garmin to transfers ok (most of the time), but from to the USMS FLOG does not. So I've gone back to manually entering my swims into the FLOG.
swimark we will look into this and I'll send you a DM for more info.
I've noticed that my swims aren't automatically loading into the FLOG since the new year. I also, double-checked to make sure that they are linked. I really don't mind as I always had to edit them anyway since my Garmin never gets the yardage right because it doesn't count kick.
I do my own tracking. I use a Fitbit to run. (It can't get wet). I won't sign up for any other challenges.