25 yards and 25 meters - where are we going with this ?

Former Member
Former Member
I've spent a little time looking over this site to find out how much I don't know about the current Masters Swimming scene. And also, what I might be able to do to become competitive. Something quite new seems to be races that are only one-length of a short-course pool. 25 Yards and 25 Meters. Where is the organization going with that ? Will they be considered for Top-Ten rankings ? How did it get started ? Old-N-Slow
  • In the mid-west, some older HS pools are 20-yards. ...The good old days. IN High school our home pool was a 5 lane 20 yard tank. I think our 160 Medley Relay times were almost as fast as the 200 MR's of today. The sprinters in the 60 free has a tougher time. And there were always broken ceiling tiles from divers who got a little too much spring in their step.
  • In the mid-west, some older HS pools are 20-yards. ...The good old days. IN High school our home pool was a 5 lane 20 yard tank. I think our 160 Medley Relay times were almost as fast as the 200 MR's of today. The sprinters in the 60 free has a tougher time. And there were always broken ceiling tiles from divers who got a little too much spring in their step.
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