Starts and turns

We have threads about each stroke and about kicking, so i thought it would be good to have one about starts and turns to deal with questions and tips. When I transitioned from the grab start to the track start i had a great deal of trouble with repeatability. I was either too deep or too shallow. Through trial and error i discovered that if I focused on getting a good push from my rear leg my entry was much more consistent, YMMV.
  • Allen, A minor point of distinction (but a pet peeve of mine). Both starts you mention are "grab" starts - both involve "grabbing" the block. Better to differentiate by the feet/foot position. Remember calling the old start (the current relay start method) a "wind-up" start. :) Paul
  • Allen, A minor point of distinction (but a pet peeve of mine). Both starts you mention are "grab" starts - both involve "grabbing" the block. Better to differentiate by the feet/foot position. Remember calling the old start (the current relay start method) a "wind-up" start. :) Paul I don't disagree, but I was following conventional nomenclature.There is a distinction over what you do with your hands and arms between the 2. in the "grab" start I was taught to pull down with the arms to as the first action, whereas wirh the track start it is pull forward.As such the grab start does involve more of an actual grab.
  • What do people say about the all to frequent practice of track/grab starters (and some Olympians) rocking back to get what they believe is slingshot effect on the start. Seems to me that rocking back means that you are now further from the pool than ever.
  • What do people say about the all to frequent practice of track/grab starters (and some Olympians) rocking back to get what they believe is slingshot effect on the start. Seems to me that rocking back means that you are now further from the pool than ever. Putting tension in your legs in order to get better drive off the blocks is worth way more than the couple inches closer to the water you might be.
  • I have been timed to 15M with lean forward, neutral, and slingshot track start as well as "grab" start. Slingshot was consistently fastest for me. I feel like I get a better push. Neutral is generally taught now as fastest, but test for yourself, YMMV.
  • H S and collage starts were the grab starts. I have tried the track position but, with my many hip problems balance comes into play and does not help me. Interesting. I have very little in the way of hip problems(yet), but I do have chronic lumbar spine issues and the track start is much easier on my back.
  • All momentum comes from the start and turn. Good idea to optimize I still use the (sorry Windrath) grab start
  • Hey - No apologies necessary. My high school years were pre-grab start (introduced by steve Furniss I think). Heck, I was pre-inclined starting platforms). I was good at the wind-up start and, thanks to long arms and good flexibility, even better with the original grab start followed by the scoop/slip entry. As I have aged, my balance and flexibility have led me towards the track start although, for me, I think it is slower. As important as the starts though, streamline turns are more important - especially as the distance increases. I always focused on streamlining past the flags. Windrath
  • H S and collage starts were the grab starts. I have tried the track position but, with my many hip problems balance comes into play and does not help me.
  • Hey guys! Great discussion... interested to hear what you have to say about back starts... wedged vs. flat wall vs. toes on gutter vs the old stand-up. (I do realize the toes and stand-up are again against the rules, but, hey.. just for fun!) Getting the dang wedge set up is way too stressful for me... I just go off the wall. The important thing with backstroke starts is the same as dive starts - you have to build up tension in the legs so you can launch off the wall. Can't just pull yourself up at "take your mark" with your legs slack. As for the stand-up, Illinois high school had that allowed in the rule book (I believe part of your body had to be touching the water and that was it) until the year before I got into HS. Hence, never really practiced it enough to figure it out.